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"Hello. Yes, Fafa. The gown I ordered for my white wedding...ah. it's the arms, too tight. You said your sister could fix it?....Yes I'll ask someone to bring it over now. Thank you". Marintia turned to her friends. "Now let me call Akos. She's not saying anything about the cake. We're literally three days away from my wedding and everyone is just too relaxed about it".
" That's what happens when you make your wedding a family and friends affair. If you had involved event planners and all of that this wouldn't be happening". Wendy said.
"She said she wanted a simple wedding. We're trying to economise here". Adele countered.
"Whatever" Wendy rolled her eyes and Sophie shook her head " You two are always trying to argue about everything and anything".
"Hello Akos....Yes about the cake...okay. yes I'll...hold on. Hold on. Chris is calling let me get back to you. Bye. Hello... Okay now? Like right now? Sure... Where? Okay. I'll be there". She ended the call. "Chris wants to meet me"
"Like right now?" Adele asked.
"Yeah" Marintia picked her purse. "I thought it was bad luck for a couple to meet a few days to their wedding. They shouldn't see each other right?" Wendy asked. Adele chuckled, "in this twenty first century? Wendy you must be living in the Stone age. Should I take you there?" She asked Marintia
"No,no I've got this. Sounded pretty urgent so....gotta run" she picked her car keys and headed out.
"Be safe!" Her friends shouted behind her.

Chris was at the restaurant before she got there and locating him wasn't difficult. "Hey babe" she sat on the chair opposite him. "How is my husband to be doing?" She smiled.
"I'm well and you?" Chris asked. "I'm okay. It's just the wedding plans that's stressing me. Wendy was right, I should have gotten a wedding planner. It's not that bad though, it's going on pretty well. How's work?"
"Yes. About work. Remember that promotion I told you I've been seeking for almost five years now?"
"Of course. The one I almost went to the Atwea mountains to pray about". Marintia laughed and Chris forced a dry smile. "Yes that promotion. I received an email a few days ago. I've finally gotten it"
"Are you serious?" She cried in glee. "Thank you Jesus! God is faithful. Babe see how the lines are falling into pleasant places for us, see what God is doing in this season. Wow,wow,wow... this calls for celebration babe I'm so...."
" There's a problem". Marintia's face fell, "A problem? What problem?"
"I have to leave Ghana this week. Apparently my Visa and everything has been prepared. I'm leaving for Switzerland"
"Wow. Okay, that's good news right? We can even change our honeymoon venue. We could..."
"Marintia I'm moving permanently, because of the job. I've wanted this for years and it's finally here. This wedding has to be called off".
There was a hot minute of silence. "Are you going to say nothing?" Chris implored.
"You're joking right? If this is a prank you're not getting my reaction. I'm the queen of all pranksters don't you know?" She laughed. "Just wait till after marriage. I'll show you better pranks. Show's over. Bring out the camera now. Show's over"
"Marintia I'm serious. I'm dead serious, it's no joke. It's over". Marintia shook her head, " No you're joking. You're joking right? Three days to our wedding and you're calling it off? Just like that? Is six years of dating a joke to you? Huh?! Jesus" she placed her hand on her chest " is this a movie? A dream?"
"Marintia you're raising your voice we're in public,calm down" he tried to hold her hand.
"Don't touch me! I will shout" and she did, causing heads to turn their way. "What did you expect me to do? You called me to meet you in public only to tell me that after six years of dating it's over? Three days to our wedding? And you expect me to say what? That I understand?"
"Marintia you're embarrassing me for crying out loud. You should be mature about things like this. You see,this is one of your toxic traits. You overreact in every situation, you're childish and selfish. I've finally gotten this huge promotion and you expect me to throw it all away because of a wedding?"
"Jesus...Jesus... it's a dream. I'm dreaming. It's a prank,Chris..." Tears poured from her eyes. "Chris tell me this is a tiktok prank or that you're starting a YouTube channel. you want my mother to die? Do you..."
"She knows". He said. "What? My mother knows?"
Chris sighed. " My dad called her yesterday to explain things to her"
Marintia rose slowly from her seat and walked out, panting for breath. "Breathe. It could be a prank so breathe, breathe. Don't do anything silly just go home Marintia" she said to herself as she entered her car and drove off.
She met her distraught friends and mother at home. Her mother quickly rushed to hug her." He told us just yesterday I promise. We told him to break the news to you himself and..." Marintia broke away from her mother's arms and rushed into her room.
Her friends tried to go after her but her mother asked them to stop.

Three Days To My WeddingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang