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The last time Marintia heard anything about Chris was about three months ago, when he had his white wedding with Taira. That crook. He went to Paris with his wife and those aimless bloggers kept posting pictures and videos of them non_stop. She felt so relieved when the wedding was over and everyone finally stopped talking and posting about them and hoped news about them would never make it to the media space.
Marintia rushed into the elevator screaming, "no, no, no wait", almost bumping into the tall, fine young man who was inside. She had a lot on her plate that Monday morning and was already way too late. The elevator smelled really good. 'what type of perfume does this gentleman use' she wondered.
"You could have waited, it's not that deep", the young man said.
Marintia looked around to see if he was talking to her. Silly, it was just the two of them. "And I assume that's how to say good morning where you come from?", She retorted  bluntly.
"And I assume you neither greet not apologize where you come from?", He replied unfazed.  Marintia shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I'm late for work, I don't think I have time to exchange words with you".
"You look pretty by the way". He almost caught her off guard.
"Flirt", she muttered under her breath although she was flattered.
"Did you just call me a flirt?", He giggled, revealing a fine set of white, sparkly teeth.
"Ding. I have to go, and yes, I did call you a flirt". Marintia said as she pertly walked out of the elevator.
As if she wasn't late enough, one of the public relations officers called her and wasted five good minutes of her precious time. She was close to tears when she finally reached her office. Like that wasn't bad enough, she was informed of a board meeting that was taking place that morning, which of course, she was very, very late for.
Everyone was seated when she got there. Over fifteen  board members and she, the secretary, who was supposed to record the minutes, was late. She located an empty seat and mustering every bit of courage in her she walked towards it while her heels added petrol to her fire by making sure her presence was loudly announced. The room was silent and all eyes seemed to be on her. "Young lady", a familiar voice called out to her. 'what in the world is this flirt doing here?' she asked herself.
"A cup of coffee please".
Marintia wanted to punch him so badly. What did he take her for? A servant? She wanted to let him know there were people responsible for that but creating a scene was the last thing she wanted to do so she obliged in all humility. Like a sacrificial lamb with no choice.
She managed to walk out again to get coffee for whoever that guy was. To think she thought of him as a gentleman because of his perfume, ugh. If only he knew the amount of courage it took her to walk to that seat.
She carefully placed the coffee in front of him and walked to her seat with all the confidence she had left in her.
"We're twenty minutes late but I'm sure we can proceed with the meeting". The speaker said. "Today we have in our midst Anthony Kwabena Yankson , the only son of our  CEO and apparently our incoming CEO. He just got back from the United kingdom and would be joining us. Without wasting time I'd like Mr. Yankson to give a more detailed introduction of himself".  The 'gentleman'  was given a standing ovation by everyone in the room including Marintia who was mortified.
Could things get any worse than they already are? Anthony got up and introduced himself but was Marintia even listening? She just couldn't wait for the meeting to end.

"Oh my God Adele it's over for me", she cried.
"Don't worry, just ask for forgiveness when next you meet. I'm very sure he'll forgive you".
"When next we meet? I can't face him Adele. Are you even listening to me? I called my CEO's son, who is my CEO to be, a flirt. I'm doomed".
"Are you going to sit here and worry about that all night instead of thinking of ways to apologize for being a snob?".
"Oh so I was snobbish... Stop you're making me feel worse. Should I write him a letter of apology?".
"Are you in junior high school or something? Get him a gift , go boldly and apologize courageously with the same energy you spoke with in the elevator".
"Geez Adele you're not helping. Nice talking to you, you're such a good friend", Marintia said sarcastically.
"You're welcome", Adele responded in an annoying fake Indian accent.

"You need to quit your job and come home as soon as you can", Mrs. Asante said to her son over the phone, "it's about time you joined your father's company".
"Isn't that too early?", Chris asked.
"Too early? You were supposed to do this when your rebellious brother was disowned. You are five years late".
"Okay but you know how dad can be about these things. What if he decides to leave the company to Carlos instead?".
Mrs. Asante chortled, "I know your father can be unpredictable and mischievous sometimes but believe me when I tell you he would not do that. The company is yours and so are all his other assests. As it stands now, you are his only child because he no longer considers Carlos as his son".
"I've heard you. I would start making preparations to leave Switzerland immediately".
"That's my son. A child who pays heed to his mother's advice, is bound prosper in all he does. By the way", she cleared her throat. "How is it going with your wife".
"Mummy don't even go there. That spoiled attention seeking brat".
"Is she there with you?".
"No mum she's in the kitchen trying to cook a disaster from a recipe book. Can you believe she made me sign a no cheating document?".
Mrs. Asante laughed, "have you been able to persuade her?".
"No, she's so difficult. When I proposed it to her, she said she'd agree only if I include her name on all my properties".
"Okay that's fine".
"That's fine? My two houses in Ghana and my cars and my accounts. She even wants us to own all dad's property jointly once he hands everything to me".
"Smart lady", Mrs. Asante smiled to herself. "Take it".
"What?", Chris couldn't believe his ears.
"Son she is the daughter of the Kusi's. She is going to be the heir of everything her father owns. You are equally going to jointly own everything with her".
"What if something goes wrong?".
"Nothing would go wrong. She has a lot to lose, not you. Why would she put herself in such a disadvantaged position?".
"Expect me home next week".
"Behold my son, in whom I am well pleased".

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