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"Men, men, men!!!" Wendy shouted. "I've heard so many stories like this but never in my wildest dreams have I thought this would happen to someone I know. So he called it off? Just like that. So simple."
"You know..." Adele said slowly and painfully, "I'm starting to wonder if he really wanted to marry her? What does he mean by they had already prepared the visa? Chris was planning this all along. All along"
The three friends sat in front of Marintia's door in silence. Silence that seemed to last for ages until Sophie broke it. "Marintia, you need to come out now. Your mother and sisters are in the hall and you haven't eaten since morning. Are you going to die because of a man?"
"Tell my family to go home". Marintia finally spoke. "I'll be fine. Chris is probably playing the worst prank on me and Heaven knows I'll prank him right back".
"Oh God at this point you still think this is a prank? Really?" Wendy asked in exasperation. " I am so angry right now I swear I could kill that mannerless fool. What the hell!"
"Calm down Wendy". Adele said. Sophie's phone started vibrating, "it's my aunt. I'm sure she's calling to update us on the food."
"The wedding is cancelled,so tell her to cancel that too." Wendy asserted. "In fact we have to start calling and informing everyone who was invited. We have to send back the gown, our bridesmaids dresses, the cake, the rings, the chairs. We need a refund for all these things does this idiot know what he has done?"
"No..." Marintia cried from inside. "Don't tell anyone anything, Chris is joking. He'll come around just wait until the wedding day. If he doesn't show up in church then I'll know he's serious."
"What? Are you kidding me?" Sophie exclaimed. "There's no way we're letting you go through that sort of embarrassment"
"I don't think you understand the gravity of what you're saying. Telling people it's cancelled is embarrassment enough. The money wasted is embarrassment enough. The questions the public will raise especially considering the fact that you're a media personality...stop." Wendy said.
Adele was in tears,"How did we not see the red flags? Even if she was blinded by love, we, her friends should have seen the red flags. Sorry Marintia, we failed you.."
"Don't blame yourselves ...don't " Marintia cried. " I deserve whatever is happening now. I deserve it all. I should just die!"
"Oh God" Sophie sighed. "I'm so heartbroken right now. Marintia it's okay to cry. It hurts. But you will rise again, love will find you, you'll get better"
"I wasted six years. Six good years of my entire twenty six years on Earth with the wrong person.  When the relationship was three years old I thought it wise to publicise it on social media. My wedding bells are ringing all over social media and in every news feed even though I wanted a simple one. Is Chris playing with me? My first and only boyfriend ? What's going on? What's happening?" She wept bitterly and her friends tried to console her.
Hours passed and Marintia had still not left her room. Her friends were still sitting in front of her door. "If we want a refund we better start now". Sophie said. "I hope Fafa's sister has not touched the wedding gown yet".
"We can still keep the gown. It's not like she'll never get married". Adele opined.
"Yeah true. How did I not think of this?" Wendy asked rhetorically. "We can even eat the cake...." Her friends gave her a quizzical look. "You know, to lighten things up and help us move on"
"You have a point". Sophie agreed. " We can still have a party, still have fun. This shouldn't be like a funeral"
"We can even plan a disaster for Chris. We can...." Wendy was cut short by Adele. "Wendy vengeance is of the Lord. I support the party though. I'm glad we're together in this, look how we managed to calm down in this chaos".
Marintia's mother, Anne and her sister came with food. " You've been here for hours" Anne said, "I decided to cook something for you".
"Oh ma, you didn't have to, thank you." Adele said  taking the tray from her.
"How is she?" Anne inquired. They shook their heads.
"Mom", Marintia called from inside. "You don't have to worry,go home with Araba. I'll be fine".

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