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One month passed so quickly, Marintia felt her world was spinning and she was being tossed in every and any direction. She had work to return to, Sophie went back to the States where she was studying for her master's degree, Wendy moved to the Eastern region where she was working and now it was just her and Adele.
Everything was back to normal and she just had to move on like nothing happened. Pick herself up and brush the dust off. Her first week at work was gloomier than she expected. The sad faces of her co-workers and their twenty-four seven ' I'm so sorry's' were starting to worry her but she still refused therapy.
Yet still, life went on. After the first week, everyone was normal towards her, she was back on the screens and she didn't care if news viewers at home were still curious about the wedding saga. Like Adele said, "Let's keep them wondering". She had not tried calling Chris ever since their planned wedding date and he hadn't called her either. She no longer saw any of his posts or tweets too. At first she thought he blocked her, but she realised he was just not posting. Maybe he was trying to stay low so that social media could move on to the next hot gist in town.

One morning, a whole month after resuming work, exactly two months after her wedding fiasco, she got the shock of her life while preparing herself for the late evening news. For entertainment news, she was going to go live on T. V and announce the engagement of the son of a famous Ghanaian multimillionaire and the daughter of a billionaire. According to the news, the wedding of the century dubbed hashtag AsanteLove. Marintia collapsed into an armchair. Her colleagues came around to make sure she was okay. She begged to leave but her immediate boss wouldn't let her, "you came in late, and now it's almost 10:00pm. There's no substitute and it's almost time". He said.
Some of her co-workers tried to plead with him to reconsider because of the delicate nature of the situation but he vehemently refused to see eye to eye with them, "I don't care. The viewers want to watch the news and we are here for business. Whatever is happening in your personal life is your own cup of tea. Everyone here has their own burdens", he said walking away, "It's five minutes to ten. Better be ready or you're fired".
Marintia sailed through forty minutes of the news report. She was more relieved because she was casting the news with one of her colleagues and also the short breaks really helped.
She had to read out entertainment news and that was when she broke down on National T. V. The technical team had to quickly cut the transmission but it was too late. Marintia's tearful face was already out there.

From her mansion, Mrs. Asante looked out of her bedroom window and smiled at the gathering clouds. It was going to be a windy, chilly night. As she sipped her coffee, she dialed a number. "Hello mister".
"Hello", came a husky voice.
"You have made my entire night a blissful one. This is what people who forget their social status deserve. When dogs raise their voices to bark at their masters, they deserve a lesson to remind them  who is superior. I love it".
"Thank you ma".
"Check your messages, I just sent you two thousand cedis for a clean work done".
"Thank you ma. I'm always at your service".
"I'm so impressed. I hope to work with you again some other time. Bye".
"I'll be honoured ma". Marintia's boss smiled at his phone.
Marintia was hospitalized that very evening. All the elements in the cosmic realm seemed to oppose her fiercely. Maybe some sin she or one of her family members committed was catching up with her. Maybe karma had finally got hold of her neck and would not let go until her last breath was taken. The newscaster who cried on national T. V went viral. Life became chaotic again, and this time, Anne wondered if her daughter would survive the heat.

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