Preface (edited)

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The man at the door was very big.

The man was so big that his shoulders was crunched up and his head was bended down towards me.

His skin was very pretty. It looked like the colour the nuts Mummy gaved me for school is. So pretty and dark like roasted almonds. His hair wased like the sky after bedtime. Black-blue with little bits of hair grey and white, all by demselves with the blue-black all around. It wased so shiny that I see it sparkled liked stars even though he wased under our porch shadow. And his eyes wased pretty too, they had the same shaped as my lunch nuts; big, dark, with pointy ends and the colour of melted chocolate in the fried pan.

The big man moved his hand to shake Mummy's, his big hand wased so big it looked it was squishing my Mummy's.

But my Mummy was brave, she not scream and cry like the icky girls at school did when they ran into stuff. Even though I knew the man's hand wased so big it was hurted Mummy because it wased too big not to.

The big man started talking to my Mummy, he used big words that I not know, and so did Mummy.

Then Mummy moved away from the front door to let the big man in, and I moved away from the big man with Mummy because I was hiding behind Mummy, where the big man not see me. He looked scary, and he was glowing, not many peoples glowed, but the big man glowed the dark purply colour the sky was at bedtime when Mummy said the sun went to bed as well. It was scary.

Then the big man looked at me, his eyes was so scary. His entire eyes was only all white. It wased not when he was outside.

But I knew the big man not see me, because I was smart. I was hiding behind Mummy where he not ever see me.

But the big, scary man was a wizard! He seed me behind Mummy, with his big magical x-ray vision he haded. Because I was hided behind Mummy's big, poofy skirts and no normal man could seed behind Mummy's skirts – they wased so heavy that I could not even picked them up.

I seed him see me and I got real scared, but I not run. Because I was strong like my Mummy. I not a big scardy-cat like the girls a school was. I was being brave like my Mummy.

But secreted that I want run away and hided betterer.

The big man bended all the ways down to where I wased hiding and smiled at me with his big teeth and his scary eyes. But I was still brave and I not run like a girl. I was going to be a big and strong and brave man like Mummy said my Dada wased when I was little. Because I brave. And when the big men put his hand out so it was in front of me, I not ran away! I took a big-man breath and stopped hiding behind Mummy, because I was a man like my Mummy said Dada was. And then I shook his hand with mine because I was a man.

I was man-of-the-house.

I looked at my hand and the big man's hand and I taked in another big-man breath. The big man's hand was so big. But his hand not hurt my hand. His hand not hurt my hand.

"My name is Andrew. What's your name son?"

The big man's voice was bigger than his tallness. He looked so scary and he sounded scary. I looked at Mummy because Mummy always knew what to do, and Mummy smiled at me.

Mummy's big smile said "be brave" so I wased brave and I said my name to Andrew the big man because I was a big brave man too. "My name Blade-den." Mummy likeded my name so much even though I not possible say it proper.

And then Andrew the big man said my name. "Hello, Bleddyn."

Andrew the Big Man turned around to look at Mummy and said something in words I didn't know, I only knowed my name in the words he said.

Mummy nodded and walked over to me and grabbed my little hand, and she dragged me beside her as she showed Andrew the Big Man where the lounge is.

Andrew the Big Man said to Mummy; "Thank you, Ma'am. This will only take a few minutes of your time, and then I'll be gone."

Mummy nodded at him, biting her pretty lips that was the colour of the yucky red stuff Mummy always put on in the morning. I trying it when I wased littler and it was so icky and messy and get everywhere.

Andrew the Big Man turned to me, "Okay sonny, this might hurt a little. I have to test you for secret superpowers inside you."

My eyes went big and my mouth went open. All the boys and girls at school wanted to be superheroes, and they didn't like me because I didn't want to be. I just wanted to be with Mummy.

I wanted to tell Andrew the Big Man that, but there was a really loud sound that stopped me. It sounded like the sound that I made when I broke Mummy's special cup. But it was so loud, the broken cup would have been really big because the sound was really big.

Mummy and Andrew the Big Man stood up and turned to the lounge door. The lounge door crashed open like the evil person did in the scary movie I watched. And then the person who broked the door comed in and looked like the evil person did on the scary movie. The big man looked like the man in the photos Mummy showed me of Dada, he wased real big and looked like the photo-man Dada, but he had a mean smile on his mouth and his mean eyes were looking at me.

But I not knowed if he a baddy because he not have the baddy-pointed-beard on his chin that looking like a birdie's beak the wrong way. Baddies always suppose to haved the baddy-pointed-beard. Movies say so.

And then the evil-big man talked to me. He said it in a real scary voice. "You don't want to be a superhero, now do you sonny? Your father was a superhero, kid. Did you know that?"

I was so scared of the evil-big man that my mouth not talked to him. He said my Dada was a superhero, but Mummy said Dada wased gone. I wanted to make Dada prouded of me, but he wased gone now. The evil-big man smiled at me again, and he talked again in his scary-fancy voice that peoples had on TV on the real boring channels that wased so borings and only talks on weather and bad-stuff Mommy not want me heard. "I think you should come with me, boy."

But I not want to go with the scary man. So I thinked so hard that my brain hurt and my face gotted sweaty. Mummy always telled me "You should always call someone Mr of Miss when talking to an adult". So I was gonna. "No Mr. Scary-Man, I not wanted to go with yous."

Mr. Scary-Man's eyes got skinnier and his face got redder. I got scared. Mr. Scary-Man runned to me - to catch me. But he not gotted me; because I was fast. When I played chase at school, I always winned. I was the fastest boy of all the little boys. I always winned running games. I runned behind Mummy and Andrew-the-big-man, because they wased standing next to each other.

Andrew-the-big-man and Mummy's legs wased so big I not see anything. I wased so scared that me little boy ears heared only my heart go boom, boom, boom. But I knows I safe because Mummy and Andrew the Big Man were adults.

Adults look after little boys likes me because, because.

Then my eyes goed black and my ears not hear anythings.

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