Prophecy (edited)

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In war, in peace, in love, in life

There shall always be countering strife

Time may pass as it will go

But the hardened shall always know

That behind a smile beautiful and bright

Anger is held with a darker might

A hidden weapon; rifle

Spear or knife

Fore when the true form will show

Evil smites heroic glow

But hiding in the darkest night

Grows a stronger, more hopeful light

A person once considered trifle

Will possess an inner saif

A new horizon formed under the crow

The chosen's inner blade will sew

And when at the moment bark becomes bite

Our final war all must fight...

In war, in peace, in love, in life

Always is there a countered strife


 - from

strife ~ noun
1. vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism:
2. a quarrel, struggle, or clash:

3. competition or rivalry:
4. Archaic. strenuous effort.

countered ~ adverb
1. in the wrong way; contrary to the right course; in the reverse or opposite direction.
2. contrary; in opposition (usually preceded by run or go): 
                      ~ adjective
3. opposite; opposed; contrary. 
                      ~ noun
4. something that is opposite or contrary to something else.
5. a blow delivered in receiving or parrying another blow, as in boxing.
6. a statement or action made to refute, oppose, or nullify another statement or action.

trifle ~ noun
1. an article or thing of very little value.
2. a matter, affair, or circumstance of trivial importance or significance.


saif ~ noun
 - a generalized traditional Arabian sword, curved or straight blade.

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