Chapter 31.

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After the movie, we cuddled together on Edgar's sofa. Holding hands, kissing, giggling, brushing each other's arms and just talking. Now I understood what he meant when he said: "I could lie next to you forever."
"So, how was your day? Sorry, I forgot to ask." 
"It was okay. How was yours?" I smiled.
"My day is going really, really well."
He pulled me in closer and held me. My heart was still racing. My mind kept going back to the moment we had earlier.
"So, I-I've got a date for Homecoming," I told him.
He lifted his head up from my body and stared at me. The silence was loud. But after a while, the corners of his eyes softened as a smile broke across his face. "Who?" He asked me. "Ethan Byers. A boy from school. But you shouldn't worry! It's just like a friend date!" I clarified.
Edgar gave a low, short laugh. "I'm not worried. I know that under different circumstances, you would've gone with me."
I knew it was the truth. If it weren't for Lucy and everything else, Edgar would've been my Homecoming date. He would've been my boyfriend. A boyfriend that everyone knows about. But because things were complicated, he was just Edgar, my secret. I gave him a smile which quickly faded.
"Are you finding this whole hiding thing stressful too? Like, I finally found a guy and I can't even show him off to the world. It's depressing. It almost feels like I'm doing something wrong," I opened up to him.
Edgar hung his head with a huge sigh. He knew exactly what I meant, but what he wasn't sure of, is how to make me feel better about it.
"You can't help who you fall for," he began.
"We haven't even told Mimi. I definitely say we should tell her. I can't be here kissing my best friend's brother, without her knowing."
"Whenever you're ready, I am."
"As soon as possible?"
"How about the next time you come over?"
"Day after tomorrow?"
"It's set then."
He looked at me and noticed that the smile on my face wasn't the usual smile. He took my hand in his and gave it a kiss.
"Grace, I know this isn't easy on you. I understand that. But I want you to know that I don't care about telling the whole world about us. I'm respecting your wishes. I know you care about Lucy, and I know her knowing about us will destroy her. That isn't what you want and I know. But from where I'm sitting, there isn't any easy way out. For you, that is. But I want you to know that whatever it is you decide, I'm behind you. Okay?"
I nodded and returned back to laying on his chest. There was no doubt that I was a terrible friend. How could I go and date a guy I knew very well my friend was in love with?! Not only that, the guy was my best friend's brother! It didn't sit well with me. I was known to be the one who fixes things, but there I was, tearing everything apart. I wouldn't have blamed Lucy for hating me for the rest of her life. She had every right to.
When I got back home, I almost sent her a text asking her whether she was still into Edgar. Don't ask me why, because I myself didn't know. It must've been the guilt. It was definitely guilt!
Ding! My phone lit up:

Hey, Buttercup. How you doing?

It was a message from Ethan. Everything stopped. I took a deep breath in and out before replying:

Me: Hey! I'm okay, thanks. You??

Ethan Byers: I'm all good, Buttercup. *smiley face emoji* Are you busy?

Me: No, not really. Why?

Ethan Byers: I just want to talk to you. If you don't mind?

Holy! What on earth did he want to talk about?!

Me: I've got a few minutes to spare. What's up?

Ethan Byers: I'm conflicted.

Me: Why? What's happening?

Ethan Byers: A lot. I just found out that Luke is gunning for the scholarship as well.

Me: Ouch. I'm sorry. But, why would you feel conflicted about that?

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