The future

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It's been some times that I've spent with this family so far and to be honest they were not that bad. My father made sure me and Eri would get the help we needed since apparently she had something with attention problems and well I on the other hand... let's just say I had aggression problems if people were about to touch me or my necklace. 

Besides that they thought it would be good for the both of us to get also some emotioal help from Hound Dog a pretty decent person who was listening to everything. It was when they brought me to UA that they asked me if I wanted to be part of the school. Everyone in my shoes would have said yes but me being me, I never wanted to be a hero at all. What I wanted to do was something else and so I said no.

Heroism wasn't something for me since I hated being around a lot of people. Dead people were more something I liked and after getting to know Tsukauchi he actually got me to a police accademy where only the best of the best study. It was tough but it was worth it. I loved what he did and whenever that man came over he started talking about his own cases which I then would jump in and give him some ideas. My mind was just like that. Once I got used to a situation and felt safe enought to open up I could talk about anything and everything. I was quite good picking up small details too.

Today was family day. That meant that we would be all alone and would do something together. Thankfully Nezu had the support course build me a chain for my ring which actually would surpress my quirk. It took a couple of months with trials and errors but they made it and it worked now I could talk like everyone else and express myself freely.

Me: Okay my turn. 

We were playing charade together and I satrted mimiking a certain someone who we all knew well.

Toshi: Oh easy, I got this one. Lunch Rush!

Me: Mh!

Toshi: You will never guess this one.

Yamada: Oh really?!

Toshi: Yes.

He went and started to do something which looked like an animal and it took me a bit to find out what it was while everyone screamed the first thing they basically thought about.

Me: Godzilla.

Toshi: Ufff... man how did you get that one?

Me: You always watch this movie!

Eri: Can I! Please!

Me: Sure she taking over my place.

After that it was an easy round. You can say that even though me and Eri are not quite the best sisters we learned to get alonge together and it was all thanks to our parents who got us a bit of help and had put in soo much time to help us. Of course Hitoshi tried to help us too but with him being in the hero course he got quite busy and I helped him out from time to time to perfect his quirk and also some movies. 

As a family we grew on each other and that was a matter of fact. Every changes were scary at first but once you get used to them it wasn't that bad anymore.

Matter of fact I started to write dairies since my therapist Hound Dog suggested to write things down I encounted, happy or sad. He wanted me to document the things I wasn't confortable to talk about. 

Of course he told me to have two. One for myself and one where my parents could look inside and read though it. It was mostly about my past so they knew what would probably trigger me. 

Even though I was getting help, I still couldn't stand anyone touching me. Sometimes it wasn't bad at all and I could hug my family members but there were times it would just stress me out and I would start to rub and scratch the places the people and my family would touch me.

They said it was a long lasting effect which could be treated but only with time.

I was just happy to be out of where I was. If I would have stayed in the orphanage any longer than what I've been, I would have probably started murdering the people there. No one could do anything about that. In fact not even the detective, Tsukauchi, could detect when I was purposely lying because my quirk would cancel that one out if I wasn't wearing the quirk cancelation chain as a necklace. 

It was such a weird quirk I got but who knows how my life would have looked with any other quirk. I always liked to think that things could have ended worse for me.

That was one of the thoughts that always kept me going. 

Well who knows...

I knew that I got troubles. It was no mystery nor secret. It all came from my expereince with people and what happened to me. There was nothing I could have done to pevent it too but you know.. life was this way and you gotta embrace what you get and keep on.

That was my experience but I had people helping me out eventho it was hard at the beginning.

Every fresh start is hard and so was mine.

Still I found a family and a place I could call home. 

That alone was more than one can ever wish!

Of course I would try and get over my own scars for my own sake but who said I needed to go through it all alone?

I could just say that I was lucky having people on my side and progress into a better future.


A/N: Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it too!

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