Summer '21

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Hello Lovelies, this will be the first official chapter of the book! I have many ideas about where I want to go with this story; however, I am still working out some things. That being said, Some things may change along the way as new ideas pop into my head, lol

Anyways, thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy it! Please leave comments and feedback; I'd really appreciate it! <3



It all started last summer, when I met him. My friends were throwing a party at their house, a massive 'summer blowout' to celebrate one of them being home from college. Usually, I wouldn't have gone, but they practically forced me to go. Plus, I really wanted to see my best friend. I missed her a lot while she was away. 

"I swear when I get up there, you had better be ready!" My best friend since kindergarten yelled up to my room. I hurriedly put the finishing touches on my outfit. It wasn't anything special, just a baggy pair of high-waisted jeans, a black short-sleeved crop top, and my favorite pair of white converse that were well worn from years of use. I quickly put on lipgloss and grabbed a ponytail holder before heading out of the door.

"Thea, you're my best friend in the whole world, but if you don't hurry up, we're gonna be late." She watched as I grabbed my bag from the kitchen counter and ensured I had everything I needed. I grabbed my car keys and threw them to her before walking towards the door.

"Eva, chill. It's your party anyway. They can't start without you." Eva swiftly caught the keys and walked out the door behind me. As soon as she started the car, I turned on the radio.

"This is my song!" I yelled to her and began to do a horrible rendition of Harry Styles' deep British accent. "That's what makes you beautiful!" I sang at the top of my lungs, hoping to annoy her. I was so glad she was back home; it was lonely without her. We soon pulled up to a reasonably large house, but before we even stepped out of the car, we heard music blaring.

"I thought you said they couldn't start without me," she said pointedly.

"Well, your brother is kind of a dick," I joked before we both began laughing. Eva parked my car on the side of the street, mainly due to so many people being there and so few parking spaces. Then, we began to make our way toward the house. I started to get a bit anxious because there were a lot more people there than I had anticipated, and I'm not usually one that goes to parties in the first place.

"Hey, you've got this," Eva said reassuringly. I gave her a small smile and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. We linked arms and confidently walked through the front door.

"Now the party can officially start!" Eva yelled while raising our arms into the air. I looked at her with wide, fearful eyes. Almost everybody in the room was looking at us now. I slowly unlatched our arms and slid my way toward the back of the room. Eva can have the attention; I, on the other hand, will gladly sit in the corner and watch her have fun.

Before long, Eva went off with some guy in the middle of the room and started to dance. It was pretty funny to watch since she's not the best at it. I was about to go and save her from herself when a relatively unattractive man stopped me.

"Hey, there," he said while looking me up and down. He leaned closer and asked, "What's a pretty girl like you doing over here all by yourself?" I rolled my eyes at his overused pick-up line. The smell of alcohol on his breath made me want to vomit. 

"This beautiful woman is trying to get away from guys like you," I replied before walking away to find Eva. I didn't find Eva right away, but I did find her brother. He was in the kitchen, mixing drinks for a few of his friends. He noticed I was standing there and began making me a drink. "Hey, Lukas, have you seen Eva?" I asked, taking the cup he handed me. I quickly took a sip before looking at him expectantly.

"Eva? I think she went out back to the pool." He told me before returning to his friends. I quickly went outside and began looking for her. I silently prayed I wouldn't find her skinny dipping in the pool with some random guy.

"Eva!" I yelled, hoping to get a reply, but to my luck, none came. I continued walking around the back patio When I decided to shout for her one more time. "Eva!" I yelled; however, it came out more like a question this time.

"Whoever you're looking for isn't out here." I turned around to find a tall guy leaning against the side of the house. I probably didn't notice him because of how dark it was outside, and his black clothing didn't help. He swiftly lit a cigarette that I assume had already been sitting between his lips. The soft glow from the cigarette provided just enough light for me to see his face. He was handsome, with his dark curly hair and grey eyes.

"But someone said-"

"Well, they were wrong" He cut me off, slowly moving his cold gaze over me.

"There's no need for the attitude. I'm just looking for my friend," I replied, glaring at him.

"Yeah, and I just wanted to be alone, but here we are." He took a long drag from his cigarette before throwing it on the ground and walking toward me; I backed away slightly. He stopped, rethinking his movements, then continued walking toward me. He ended up about a foot away from me. 

"What are you-" I started to ask, but he was already answering my question as he grabbed my drink from my hand. He slowly brought the cup up to his lips and took a sip. I couldn't help but notice his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed. 

"Thanks for the drink." He smirked and turned around, walking back into the house. I stood there dumbfounded, watching him leave while wondering who he was.

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