Who Was That?

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Hello, Lovelies, I'm trying to update as much as possible before school starts, but the summer is ending so fast :(

I will try as hard as possible to keep updating on a regular basis, I promise! I hope you guy's liked the first chapter. Please feel free to leave comments and feedback; I'd really appreciate it! I would also appreciate it if you guys voted, but only if you want! Thank you so much for reading, and giving my book a chance! 

I love you all! <3



After our encounter, I ran after him, but he was nowhere to be seen. However, there were so many sweaty people grinding on each other that I could barely make out any faces. It felt like the house had somehow become more cramped. I suddenly felt a panic attack coming on due to the overcrowded environment. So, I began to make my way upstairs, hoping that there would be fewer people. 

Once I got up there, I made my way to Eva's room. I was glad that I would finally have some peace, and it would be a bit quieter. I was about to open her door when I heard moans coming from her room. 

'This cannot be happening!' I thought to myself before starting to walk away.

"Thea!" I whipped my head around to see Eva standing there glaring at me. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you all night." I looked at her, surprised. 

"Me? I've been looking all over for you!" I said, exasperated. "I came up here, thinking you'd be in your room only to find that you ditched me to hook up with some guy." She looked at me as if I had grown two heads and then laughed hysterically.

"Oh my God, people are in my room hooking up?!" She looked at me, horrified, before quickly running to her room. I watched as she stuck her ear to the door and listened. She scrunched her face up in disgust before turning back to me. 

"I assume we aren't sleeping in there tonight, right?" I chuckled, thinking about the mess she'd have to clean up later and, of course, I'd help her. 

"Oh God, no," she made a fake puking sound. "Lukas can find somewhere else to sleep tonight because we're taking his room. A little chivalry won't kill him." We both laughed and went to Lukas' room. We were both over the party, so we decided to chill and watch a movie before bed. 

"Ooh, this is my favorite part!" Eva squealed in my ear as Allie and Noah shared a passionate kiss in the rain. I rolled my eyes at her overenthusiasm. 

"I still don't understand why you like this movie so much," I chuckled. She glared at me, and fake gasped. 

"The Notebook is a classic; how dare you!" Eva crossed her arms with a huff. After the movie, we noticed that the music had died down in the rest of the house. I looked at the time on my phone, and it read 1 am. 

"I'm gonna go check out the damage and see where Lukas is," Eva whispered, sliding off the bed. I nodded, signaling that I had heard her, then made myself comfortable. I rolled over and faced the wall. I hugged one of the numerous pillows Lukas had on his bed closer to my body. Before long, I had begun to fall asleep. I was soon woken up by the door creaking open and a weight shifting in the bed. I assumed it was Eva returning from checking on her brother, so I didn't think anything of it and fell back into a peaceful slumber. 

The following day I woke up feeling like I was being crushed. An arm was strewn across my waist, and my legs were tangled up with someone else's. I remembered Eva coming back last night, or so I thought. 

"Eva," I whispered, trying not to disturb her too much. She wouldn't budge, so I slowly slid myself out of bed and looked at the person sleeping next to me. When I saw who it was, I screamed. Not out of fear, but because I was shocked. He slowly opened his eyes, but panic struck his face when he caught sight of me. His eyes widened, and he practically lept out of bed. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked while running a hand through his hair. I looked at him, stunned. First, he was rude to me last night out by the pool, and now he wants to ask what I'm doing at my own friend's house. 

"I could ask you the same thing," I glared at him, then continued. "Who are you anyway?" 

"Lukas told me I could crash in his room last night," he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. 

"Yeah, well—" I was cut off by Eva and Lukas running into the room.

"Haha," Eva chuckled nervously. "I thought I heard yelling." She looked at me guiltily. I, however, just glared at her. This wasn't funny, not one bit. Lukas chimed in, hoping to deescalate the situation. 

"Hey, Drystan, there was a slight change of plans last night, but you snuck off to my room before I had the chance to tell you." Lukas rubbed the back of his neck. Obviously, he felt terrible for accidentally putting two of his friends in this situation. 

"Oh, so you do have a name," I said sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at who I now know as Drystan. ____________________________________________________________


This is technically the first real book that I've published, so I'm still trying to work out what I'm doing. However, I do have a question for you guys. Would you like longer chapters, or would you like me to keep them short and bring you updates quicker? I don't know it's up to you guys, so let me know! 

-Hannah <3

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