3: it's not right

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Follow what your heart say even though it falls in the hard way.     

_____ lover of the Dawn.



/ His name. What's his name? I do not know his name. He is a stranger but why am I lying beneath him? His Prussian blue eyes had darkened and was staring at me with desire and longing. His hand moved to cup my cheeks and i leaned into his hand, feeling the warmth and softness.

' it's not right. He is a stranger. You shouldn't be doing this. Do you want to be a one night stand? Reject him or push him off. you, are you going to do this when you just got rejected by your ex? Snap out of it Alyson!'

This voice cry in my head and the pounding did not lessen. As i remember my conversation with James, my heart hurt once more and i push the worry away for my desires to come in. I pulled his body closer to mine as his lips found mine sealing every word i tried to make. It intoxicated my brain and i lost all focus. I didn't realize i was with no clothes on until his left hand moves past the bridge of my breast to rest on my lower body. I tensed and moaned deeply into his mouth. This feeling is new and I know what am getting myself into but..

I need this.

I want this.

And i don't care.

His tongue skillfully explore my mouth, forming a pit deep down my stomach. My hand went to his back, clawing at him and pulling him close. he kissed his way down to my stomach, to the exact place i want his mouth on. I clutch at the bed sheets, covered in sweats as he pleasure me in a way i never would have imagine. in a way i have never felt before.

And i want more.

I do not want him to stop.

I released the breath i had been holding when he slowly entered me. Everything seem like a daze to me as he ride me to ecstacy. I screamed and clutch at his body tightly, my head turning and my stomach getting tighter. I feel myself coming close to edge. My body move in rhythm with his...

Finally my body exploded with erratic ecstacy and darkness prevailed...//

I woke up with my whole body flushed and strangely sore. My hand graze over the sheet. Rough and cold. I forced my eyes opened and it landed on the big, enormous painting that is hung on the wall opposite of the king size bed.

I am not in my room! My brain sparked in fear. I sat up and the sheet dropped to my lap exposing my upper body, unaware that i was actually naked. I quickly grabbed the sheet to cover my exposed body.

/What the hell happened last night? How did i get here and why am I naked! Wait! I went to club last night, drank with a stranger and.... Oh my goodness! I thought it was a dream, no wonder it seems so real. . . Alyson what have you done!/

I wrapped the sheet around my body and picked my clothes that was scattered all over the room. I made sure there was no footsteps approaching before disappearing into the bathroom. I washed and dressed up in few minutes. My plan was to sneak out successfully if he is not nearby but my plan was sabotaged when I perceived the aroma of freshly made breakfast coming from where i suppose is the kitchen. I turned round the passage and there, the kitchen was with the Mr handsome looking insanely hot in only his sweat pants. It hurt me that i could only look. He has a broad shoulder with a nice looking ass. His curly hair was still wet which means he probably have took his bath. My mind turn as i picture what he could look like under shower. So unusual of me that my face heated up instantly.

I was just about to turn and leave when something furry hook up to my leg. I gasp and turned to see a dog staring back at me. It look at me with admiration that i deeply love.
When I looked up, he already turned and
his eyes was already stamped on mine and they already darkened deeply. My breath seized in my throat as those Prussian blue eyes burrowed into mine. No man have ever had such an effect on me but he is an exception. His gaze weaken me to the knees

" Hey " he said in a deeply calm tone. The tension roaming was so visible that i could feel it.

" Hi" i tried to remain calm but i felt naked under his gaze. Can't he just look elsewhere?.

" I need to talk to you!" The word surprisingly left our mouth at the same time. A small blush crept up to my face and i did a good job in hiding it. He silently chuckled, pointing at the stool for me to sit.

"care for breakfast?" He asked.

" Oh. .yes. am seriously starving!"

I casually said taking my seat. He chuckled at the way i responded but it's the actual truth. I don't think I could manage to get home with the way my stomach is grumbling. He turned and  he placed a plate of food for me and him each, his eyes glued to my face. He sat too briefly

" We should talk about what happened." I started with my eyes glued to the food.

I was still nervous of how the setting suddenly changed because I was supposed to run away and. . .here i am.

" Yh. We should" he kept staring at me making it so hard for me to say anything . I avoided his gaze, suddenly interested in my hand.

" What happened last night was a mistake
And i am sorry that i was reckless and stupid. I shouldn't have rant on my past and kissed you. It was so stupid of me and i know. I am pathetic and i am sorry. It was very unlike me and i don't know what came over me at the moment. I hope we can forget about it" i stole a glance at him once when i realize i was the only one talking and he has this smirk and smile on his face that made my face flushed with embarrassment.

" It wasn't a mistake for me."

He whispered and bought my eyes up to look at him. He held the gaze so manly " nor was it a one night stand."

" Then what?" My lips quivers.

His answer was clear when he leaned closer and bought his lips to mine. I was once lost in his Trance as his lips graze upon mine demanding for entrance. I lost control on my body. I felt the heat seeping out of my body in wave. As soon as I granted him entrance, he pulled closer and deepened the kiss.

I had no idea I was no longer on the stool i sat on and i found my step standing in between his legs, my hands wrapped around his wet hair and his neck. He growl deep inside my mouth and reluctantly pulled away.

We both were panting and gasping for breath. My brain rewind what just happened again.
We wanted to discuss what happened and see. . . Here we are making the same mistake again.

His hold tightened on me and he look at me right in the eye, his already darkened and what I saw in there was not just desires.

" I want more than just a one night stand with you" his hand caressing my cheeks.

" W-what? We barely know each other"

" It doesn't mean. We have  plenty of time to figure that out if you are up for it"

I paused for few seconds chewing on my lips. I can't make the same mistake again. I already have my heart broken apart and the last thing I want is for another man to shattered it into pieces.

" You haven't answered me yet" his voice bought me back to the present and i gave to the word that left my mouth.

" Yes."



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____ harsleyacexxx2000


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