003. questions and answers

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CHAPTER THREEquestions and answers 

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questions and answers

CHAPTER THREEquestions and answers 

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tw: mentions of sexual assault


THE WHEELS OF HIS CAR CAME TO A SCREECHING stop as Diego Hargreeves slammed his foot down on the brake pedal, the noise causing a few heads to turn and a series of gasps to sound. He didn't even care if this parking spot wasn't meant for patients, all he cared about right now was the unconscious woman bleeding out in his backseat.

Diego cut the engine and jumped out of the car, immediately ripping open the back door and carefully lifting the woman into his arms, being mindful of her wounds. He used his leg to shut the car door before running towards the entrance that read EMERGENCY ROOM in bright, red letters. The doors were automatic and opened the moment he reached them, allowing him to get inside with very little trouble.

Once inside, he began shouting for help.

"Help!" Diego cried, desperately looking around for someone, anyone, that could save her life before it was too late. "Somebody help! She's been shot!"

A male nurse ran over, eyes widening at the sight of all the blood and how pale the woman's skin was. He knew it was because of the amount of blood she had lost. And that was never a good sign in these cases. "Follow me," he said, quickly walking away.

Diego wordlessly followed the male nurse down a hallway and into a room marked TRAUMA 3. He carefully placed the woman down on the bed inside and took a step back as another nurse and a doctor rushed through the doors and began examining her wounds, checking for the source of bleeding.

"What happened?" The doctor asked as they began cutting away at the woman's coat and shirt, leaving her in nothing but her bra.

Diego tried not to look at her body, giving the woman the respect and privacy she deserved. Especially after everything she had just been through in that dark alley. But he was too worried to take his eyes off of her. His eyes were glued to her stomach, specifically the bullet hole, as more and more blood spilled from the wound.

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