Welcome Home

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14 years have passed since the war between the villains and heroes, but during the entire war a relationship was made with Deku and Toga, which people criticized by many, but they didn't care what others thought of him, instead they grew closer to each other until eventually they got married years later, during their marriage they also they also had a a daughter named Hina who they loved very much, what are you after she was born Deku continued his career of being a pro Hero which had him quite far from from his family, but after just a few years he was beginning to miss them greatly, so he came to a decision to go back home with his family and spend the year with them, once he made that decision he immediately called his wife Himiko and told her which she was thrilled to hear, after he told her, Deku told everyone that he was leaving agency for a year was they were quite devastated to hear since he was one of the top heroes, but knowing that he'll go home and be with his family, they were happy for him, so on his last day of the agency they threw him a going away party which he enjoyed very much with all of his friends, after the party he then left the agency and got into a taxi which immediately took him to the airport, while making his way to the airport to get to his plane he stopped by a toy store and bought a little stuffed bear, after that he went straight to to his plane and got on, which was ready to take off as soon as he got seated, as the minutes passed as Deku sat in his chair, all he can think about is Himiko and Hina, shortly the plane landed and Deku got off and got into another taxi which began to drive him back home, after 40 minute drive he soon arrived at his house, which made him get off the taxi and head right towards the door after he paid the driver, as he was in front of the door he goes ahead and opened it and quickly notices that all the lights are off, so he goes ahead and steps inside while shutting the door behind him and taking off his shoes, after that he then proceeds to walk towards the living room, as soon as he stepped through the doorway of the living room, the lights then turned on and Deku was shot with confetti, after that happened he looked ahead and saw his wife and daughter right in front of his eyes.


"Welcome back Daddy!"

Hima immediately ran towards Deku who then kneel down and picked her up to hold her in his arms, as he was doing so Himiko approached him as well and placed her right hand on his left bicep, some feeling her hand he he looks ahead and seized her.


"Welcome home Izuku."

Hearing those words, Deku wrapped his left arm around Himiko's waste and pulled her in as he hugs her and their daughter.


"It's good to be home."

After that Deku let go of Himiko's waste and placed Hina down, but as he placed her down he then reaches in his bag and pulls up the teddy bear which he then presents to her.


"Here you go sweetie."

Seeing the teddy bear Hina grabbed it and gives it a great big hug.


"Thank you Daddy, I love it."


"Glad to hear it."

Deku gets back on his feet and looks over at Himiko who who's staring at him.


"Do I get a gift too Izuku?"

Hearing how playful she sounded, Deku smirked and pulled her in as he pressed his lips against hers, which the two then began kissing, after just a short minute they pulled away from one.


"So did you like your gift?"


"Hehehe, of course I did."

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