My Loving Family

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Once New years passed Inko went back home, leaving Deku, Himiko, and Hina to spend the beginning of the year together, but they wouldn't have much time to spend together, since Deku was planning to head back to Tokyo in two weeks so he can continue his hero work, knowing this saddened Himiko since she didn't want him to leave again, but deep down she knew that if Deku goes back to be a pro Hero then he will be happy, so she decided not to say anything especially about something she wanted to tell him, but she kept it in and stayed as the loving and supporting wife she is, so as the days went by Deku spent the mornings and afternoons with Himiko and Hina, while at night he packed his bags and took some phone calls about work, this continued until his final night at home, so as Deku was in his bedroom he was finishing packing some last minute clothes, at the same time he got a phone call from his agent.




"Hey there Deku, how's the number one been doing."


"I've been great, so why you calling?"


"I just wanted to check up on ya, since you'll be coming back tomorrow after all."


"Oh I see."

Hearing that, Deku's heartfelt kind of heavy since he'll be leaving his family again.


"So tell me how is your year vacation."


"It was great, I got to spend a lots of time with my daughter and watch her grow, and I even got spend some quality time with my wife as well, and I have to say that that was one of the best years yet, spending time with my family is something that I will treasure forever."


"That's real sweet to hear, and I hope you're excited to come back, cause a lot of people are missing you here."


"Ha yeah I bet, well I got to finish packing here so I'll see you tomorrow."


"All right see you tomorrow number one."

As Deku hangs up the call, he sees his the wallpaper on his phone which is Himiko and Hina which makes him smile as he thinks of the days he spent with them both, but I see was doing this he heard the door being opened, so he dropped his phone on the bed and looked over towards the door to see Himiko walk inside.


"Are you still packing?"


"Yeah but I'm almost finished."


"Oh all right then, I'll be waiting downstairs Hina."

As Himiko began to leave the room, Deku quickly went over to her and grabbed her by the wrist would you then pulled her in to have her body pressing against his, as she looked up at him, she saw a smile on his face which also made her smile as well.


"Himiko, I want to say that I'm thankful for everything, you and Hina made that year one of the best ones, and I kind of wished that it lasted a bit longer."

From saying that last part, Himiko placed her right hand on his cheek.


"Me too Izuku, spending time with you and our daughter was the highlight of that year, but things don't last forever like we want them to, which is okay because we need to keep on going and make new memories but still never forgetting the old ones as well, for right now let's live this moment as a family."

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