A Little Work Out

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As days went by Deku and Himiko will usually stay at home together, either cleaning the house or having special alone time in the bedroom, but recently in the afternoon Deku began working out again so he doesn't lose his physique, so when he's at home he'll be doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats in the living room, but after that he'll move on to some heavy weights, once he was done with that he would then move on to a jog around his neighborhood, as Deku did all these things Himiko began to notice and will usually stare at him as he worked out in the living room, seeing his incredible physique, Himiko couldn't help but to feel all hot and bothered as she just stared at him, so as the afternoon came Deku was about to start his workout in the living room, but before you could Himiko calls out to him.



Deku look over to the doorway and sees Himiko wearing her yoga outfit, which makes his eyes widen.


"I was wondering if you don't mind me joining you?"


"N-no, not at all."

Hearing this Himiko goes over to Deku who cannot get his eyes off of her, as she now stood in front of him, he then looked away so he can start his workout with Himiko.


"First thing we're going to do some push-ups."



So the two then got on to the ground and began doing push-ups side by side, as Deku was doing his push ups with ease Himiko was having a little trouble, so once Deku finished his push-ups he began helping her by placing his hand right hand on her back and placing his left hand on her stomach which began to help her in her push-ups, after she finished they then moved on to sit ups, and once again Deku had no problems at all but Himiko did so he decided to help her again once he finished his sit-ups, once her sit-ups were done they then started doing squats which was easier for Himiko to do, but while she was squatting Deku begin looking at her as her breast begin to bounce up and down each time she squatted, once they were both done they then took a short break until they can move on to the weights.


"Well that was a good start, don't you think so Himiko?"


"Yeah it was but I had some trouble which made you have to help me."


"It's all right, I'm glad to help you anyway I can."


"Hehe, of course you are."

After their conversation Deku grabbed a bag that his weights inside and gently place them onto the ground, after that he kneeled down and began to take the weight out of the bag one by one, once he finished bringing them out he assembled them, after that he stood right back on his own two feet.


"Well next is weights."


"Okay, let's get started."

As Himiko leans down to grab one of the weights, Deku soon stops her she was reaching for the largest weight.


"Hold on, you can't lift that one it's way too heavy for you."


"Oh okay, then which one should I use?"

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