Act Two: The Merchant's Greed

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"I'll be off to work, then." Reynolds informed his wife as the couple walked towards their main door in silence. Tension was in the air, unease spreading under their skin, waiting to burst out. Oh how long will they hold-on? Only time will tell.

"Have a good day, Rey." Alice smiled thinly before giving a perfunctory farewell to her one and only husband. Reynolds, mistook the underlying tone of his wife's words for being enthusiastic, but how wrong was he? Very.

Reynolds leaned forward to plant a goodbye kiss on his beautiful wife's plumpy pink lips, but she dodged it skilfully as she gave a quick hug with a pat on his back. Reynolds didn't notice his wife's reaction, for if he did, he would've noticed the disgust which had taken its place on Alice's beautiful face, albeit for only a fraction of a second.

Reynolds' was absentminded. Or rather, his mind was somewhere else...or on someone else. It gave him a much needed boost as he walked out of his home and strolled towards the Helstea Auction House.

Alice let out a deep sigh. In a second, her complexion became bright, and an intense yearning and excitement made its way onto her pretty face.

She stormed off to her quarters and started to change into something...more remove later, if such need arises. She made sure to take off her inner and under garments as she now wore only a thin silk embroidery which couldn't do much to hide the otherworldly assets she possessed.

Only a thin skin of cloth—keeping her from starting a war between nations—if they could have a chance to make such a magnificent beauty as their own.

Alice stopped in contemplation and added an extra layer of clothing. She didn't want to take away any lives, for she knew, if a man ever laid his eyes on her right now, his heart would give up its beating, break out of its cage and kneel under her legs, waiting to be stepped on by her slender feet.

Such a dangerous weapon she possessed. Such a dangerous weapon that she is, Alice.

After adding a robe on top, Alice checked her make up, which wasn't many, for her natural beauty had long transcended what one could call perfection, for she has become a goddess in her own right!

A smile appeared on her face, much confidence, much fervour to put any model to shame.

Alice locked her door on her way out, and went to check how her son was doing. As she opened the door, she saw Arthur dozing under the piles of blankets, sleeping like an old lumber.

She sighed in much relief. Making sure breakfast is ready for when he wakes up, she finally walked with purpose. Her smile widening into a smirk, her footsteps more wider as she made her way into her saviour's private quarters.

*knock knock*

Alice knocked on Vincent's door. "My lord, it is I, Alice, here for daily summons."

"Ah! Alice, please come in!"

Alice opened the door and was greeted with a view that made her willowy legs and thighs twitch, her belly heat up. Her lord, Vincent was leaning on the office table, looking at her with a smile. He then licked his lips and beckoned for Alice to come in.


Alice took a step inside, calming her wildly beating heart before silently locking the door behind her. "Sit." Vincent said—ordered—and Alice obeyed.


Then, suddenly Vincent jumped forward and wrapped his arms around sitting Alice's alluring body. He just couldn't control his manly desires in front of such a beauty. Alice flinched but stopped before melting into his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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