21 || The Joker Wins

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Lady Of Namek


If there was one thing I was incapable of, it was shutting the fuck up.

I physically couldn't ever find the will to shut my mouth and it was almost always for the worse.

It'd gotten me in nothing but trouble growing up, and these days, it was no different.

It would seem as though the Russian tyrant in charge of all these prissy men was no where to be seen this evening.

Ignoring me, I suppose.

And men, being the pathetic creatures they were born to be, had taken the opportunity to run their mouths. With a group of them sat across the table, speaking in thick Russian, laughing and lacking any subtly that they're talking about yours truly.

I do a good job of ignoring them and focus on my meal, but when they're laughs start to give me a migraine I realize I'm not the pushover type.

"Why throw insults in a language I can't understand?" I speak through my mouthful and rise a brow at the group of men who all worked for my faux fiancé. "That's no fun."

I'd spent the majority of the day in my room, avoiding any and all human interaction, but my desire for a food had dragged me down to dinner.

I'd entered the room full of Adrik's men and it'd gone silent, all of them turning to look at me, with unwelcoming glares and whispers like a bunch of mean school girls glaring at the bitch that slept with all their boyfriends.

I'd laugh if I wasn't so annoyed.

The ones that are speaking quiet down as well as all the other men at the table who all turn to look at me, the look on their faces clear that they aren't going to give me what I want.

They're master wasn't here meaning they thought they could act however they wanted to.

"You, Buzzcut." I point to a nearby man who'd remained silent the entire time,"What are these little bitches saying about me?"

For a long moment he watches me eat my sandwich before finally he speaks, his voice reserved with a slight accent. "They say you're probably not even good at whoring with the way you're still kept in the room of the tower instead of in Adrikos wing."

I snort out a laugh, "That's what they're bitching behind my back about?"

Leave it to bitter men to come up with the most boring insults.

"They also joke of your family." He shifts almost uncomfortably,"They say your mother was an Italian man's whore and you, a bastard."

And this is precisely why I avoid human interaction. Because the majority of the time, I find myself fighting the desire to kill.

It's exhausting.

I chew the rest of my food slowly and look towards the men sat along the table, all quiet now and staring at me. I can't slaughter them without having every simple minded man in this room jumping in, so for the first time in my life, I decide to be the bigger person.

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