Chapter 01

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Chapter 01: 010

The cry's of a newborn baby filled the room of the hospital room as the doctors are wrapping up the crying baby.

The mother of this baby was very proud of herself as her brother patted her back and was telling her how amazing she did. The mother was breathing heavily but had a toothy grin on her face.

"Right Miss—" the head doctors started as he started to fill out a form.

"Congratulations on a baby boy, you must be very proud" the mother smiled and nodded, slightly sitting up getting ready to hold her baby, with the help of her brother.

"Careful. Careful Maria" the brother said to the frail lady.

"Calm down Roger I'm fine, but I might rest my eyes for a while..." and after that Maria's eyes dropped into a slumber.

Roger smiled at his sister and looked over too see if his nephew was okay. Rogers eyes widened at the site of a old man in a suit attach something to the little boys tiny foot.

"Yes, Dr Brenner will get this child to your lab soon after the mother and the uncle are wiped out", the head doctor spoke gingerly to him.

"Good, good this is number ten okay?" Brenner said caressing the babys cheek.

"Yes Dr"

"Um What?!" Roger stood up quickly with his fits in a ball ready to fight.

"I'm sorry sir if there a problem?" The head doctor said with his hands ready on his gun.

"Um yes you fucking psychos! I just heard what your gonna do to that boy and me and my sister?!" Roger snarled and kept his fist in a ball.

"You won't get away with this I'm going to call my lawyer and sue you or ring the police whatever!" Roger kept rambling on about what he's going to do, he didn't hear brenner whisper to t he doctor to kill him.

The doctor nodded and pulled out his gun and shoot Roger and Maria. The cries of 010 were heard.

"Ohhh no crying here ten, it's okay I'm your papa" dr brenner smiled and took the boy away and left his family to rot.

A few days have passed and Dr Brenner is introducing 010 to his brothers and sisters.

"Hello children"

"Hello papa" they all said at once.

"We have a new brother to welcome into the family, say hello to ten" dr brenner said proudly and held 010 up to the rest of the children.

They were all excited to meet a new brother but 002 wasn't, he didn't like it when a new sibling was introduced, papa always paid more attention to the child and he hated it.

"I love him papa his eyes are so pretty" 005 said while 010 grabbed onto her finger with his little baby hands and giggled.

002 stared in disgust, he had a feeling that he was not gonna like 010 at all.

"Two, why don't you come and say hello to you new brother?" Brenner said smile towards his way.

"I'm fine papa I don't want too"

Brenner knew 002 didn't like having more siblings but he needed to get over that.

While all the numbers were meeting 010, brenner notice that 'Peter' was staring rather intensely at 010.

"Peter are you okay?"

"Oh I'm fine, fine thank you" he blurted out going back to his stance.


Two years have passed and 010 was still the centre of attention, his puppy dog eyes made everyone fall in love with him.

Brenner was happy on how 010 was effecting everyone. Brenner was sitting in his office peacefully until his door made a noise.

"Come in"

The door opened to reveal Peter.

"Hello sir"

"Peter hello"

"You don't need to call me Peter, no one's around"

"Fine, Henry what can I do for you now?" Brenner scoffed.

"I want a rather...strange...request?"

"That would be...what?"

"Alone time with ten"

Brenner stared at him with widened eyes and slowly placed his work sheets down. Brenner folded his hands together with his mouth open a bit.

There was silence for a while, the sounds of the rusted fan in the corner of the room was the one making the noise that filled this strange atmosphere.

"May I ask why Henry, you never asked to have 'alone time' with any other of your children why this one?" Brenner ask the man who had his head down in his lap and fiddling with his long fingers.

"I feel something with him, it's strange but I just want to see. It might helpful for you if I find out what this energy is", Henry spoke with a worried tone as brenner looked at him funny.

"I...don't know if I can trust you enough so I will be in the room with you and ten, that's as far as I will go Henry so take or leave it"

"I'll take it"

"Good...good, say about 2pm tomorrow?"

"Yes sir,thank you" Henry said quickly getting out of the room. And brenner had a lump in throat and his guts telling him he shouldn't of agree to it.

The next day came by quicker than a snap from a finger and Dr brenner still had a ill gut from yesterday.

It was 2pm and Henry was in the rainbow room alone sitting down with his legs crossed. Brenner came in holding 010 in his hands, as brenner doesn't start their training and lessons until the age of 4, and as he doesn't get rid of their hair yet 010 had very curly brown hair which matched his chocolate puppy dog eyes.

Henry's head whipped around with a soft smile on his face when he notice 010. He got up gingerly and walked over to them.

"Be careful" Brenner said carefully handing 010 to Henry.

"I will, hello ten" he whispered softly to the small boy. Henry walked away from brenner and sat were he was before. Brenner moved to a chair and made sure nothing happened to 010.

Henry was very gentle and seemed...fatherly towards 010, and brenner was expecting to hear cry's but heard giggles from the chocolate eyed boy. And Henry giggling with him.

It was quite wholesome from brenner eyes but he will never admit that.

"You feel quite special to me ten, I don't know why" Henry whispered to 010 while rubbing his finger across 010s nose making the boy smile and make some weird noise that was adorable.

"Okay it's been a hour Henry, your time is up" Brenner announced walking over to were they were sitting, his arms behind his back.

"Can I spend more time with him another time? I mean he is my child" Henry said a bit angry, he held 010 close to his chest.

"All these children are yours Henry! This one can't be the only one you can keep!" Brenner snarled back at him snatching 010 of him, 010 started to bawl his eyes out with tears and screams.

Henry reach out from him but brenner had already left with him.

'Don't worry ten, I'll get you soon and and the rest of this lab are going to burn in hell'

Boom first chapter of my first stranger things fanfic

I don't know why I didn't do one earlier I've always loved it but I guess I liked Harry Potter just a bit more, but anyway yah done the first chapter. And yes I know Eddie isn't actually 010 like I said in the description I like the theory and the Au

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