Chapter 04

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Chapter 04: Lullaby

"Steve...DRIVE!" Robin shouted out in distress.

"Where am I meant to go ROBIN!" Shouted Steve. The van drove quicker and everyone panicked Steve reversed quickly.

Eddie was witnessing all this and saw a ginger girl with fear all over her face. That made his body do the weird feeling again he had to help them.

As the vans drove quicker towards them, the lights began to flicker pretty aggressively which was also making the van stop working.

"Wait..WHAT?!" Steve looked behind him seeing eddies nose dripping slightly.

"Eddie stop what your doing now!" Robin shouted at him but Eddies eyes were fixated on the two vans.

"Eddie!" Everyone shouted together, and then the lights switched on but everyone watched as the two vans flipped over them and smashed into the road.

"....oh god" Mike mumbled as they all looked behind them seeing the two vans now on fire.

"Ok...uh thanks Ed umm Steve"robin huffed, Steve was still shocked at what he saw.

A hour in the ride, everyone seemed to be quiet but el kept staring at Eddie,who was now curled up in the bundle of blankets and pillows, sleeping. She seemed scared or worried.

"You okay El?" Nancy spoke who had a sleeping Jonathan on her shoulder. El slowly turned her head to Nancy and shook her head 'no'.

"Oh,what's wrong?"

"It's ten...something is off about him" El started but Dustin cut him off.

"Well yea no shit, he thinks that he's a ten again and tried to kill us" Dustin screamed out.

"He's just scared and confused" Will spoke up from mikes shoulder, Mike looked down onto Will confused on why he was defending him.

"Why are defending him will? He...well I'm not sure what he did you but he hurt you" Mike said pulling Will closer to him, making el stare in confusion.

"I know but, he was showing me my nightmares...." Will started and everyone turned around to listen to Will, well expect Steve but he was listening to him.

"And when my father came and left in my mind, I saw a women..a women that I have never saw before. She was very pretty, she had very curly brown hair that went below her waist. And she had big pretty brown eyes, like a doe.." Dustin slowly turned back to Eddie.

"Tens mama..." el whispered to her self but Nancy heard a bit of it.

"What?" Nancy asked and el looked up to her.

"Um...that could be tens mama..I mean it might be.." el said a bit louder.

"What else happened will" Robin asked from the front of the chair.

"...the lady she was singing a song, she had a very pretty voice, it was like a lullaby and then a high pitched scream just over took everything...and she on the floor covered in blood..." Will sniffed and went back into Mike's shoulder.

Everyone was silent and Dustin heard something from behind him, it was Eddie mumbling something. He was twitching and had tears rolling down damaged face. 

"Is Eddie okay?" Dustin quickly said and grabbed onto eddies bandage hand.

Everyone surrounded him, all nervous.

"Wait wait! What's going on back there?!" Steve shouted out.

"Don't worry Steve just keep driving!...el...can you like go into his mind?" Robin panicked kneeling down beside Eddie.

"Yea I can try!" El rushed to her bandanna and Mike grabbed the radio and turned it to a static station.

El wrapped the bandanna around her face and exhaled calmly and then focused.

Everyone was silent, Steve was wondering what the hell was going on.

El was in the void now. It was dark and wet as it normally is but.. there was a yellow glow coming from the other end. El gingerly walked to the source of the light, wondering what it was.

As got closer she saw a lady. It was the same lady from wills description. She was very pretty and she had really long hair, maybe even more then Argyle, it was very curly and was like dark chocolate coloured. She was in along yellow dress and had a small boy in her arms.

It was a baby with a few brown curls coming from his head. She was singing a lullaby.

"Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment..."

El smiled in realisation at this was Eddie mother. And the thing Eddie was mumbling was this little lullaby.

"It's fine guys he's just singing a little song that his mama sung to him" El said, informing the other.

"...can you sing it to us El?" Will asked and other joined in.


"Come little children the times come to play, here in my garden of shadows" El and Eddie mother sung together as well as Eddie mumbling the words in his sleep.

Everyone smile and listen to els soft voice.

Now everyone wanted to know and hear Eddies mother.

Okay sorrryyy okay sorry I know I haven't updated in a while but hear you.

Yes I am so excited for hocus pocus 2 coming out Friday.

And this is how I would imagine Eddie Mum, you'll see more of her soon.

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