The Jailor

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Skulking, slinking, slithering.

An inky pool of darkness patrols the prison's halls.

Watching, wary, waiting.

The dark warden eyes the chained pearl with another.

Relieved, reassured, relaxed.

Despite all of the limp broken chains, one still remained.


"Take my hand." Those words rang in my ear with phantom sound.

That hand was my salvation, its owner stood confident and proud.

This was my hope and dream manifest, my heart beats and pounds.

But I turn and run away like a wounded hound.

The lighting was too bright, and the thunder was too loud.

A coward's soul cannot hope to resound.


Chuckling, chortling, cackling.

The bemused warden observed as the pearl rolled straight into its clutches.

Hapless, helpless, hopeless.

The pearl drowned in the warden's dark being.

Sneering, sarcastic, sadistic.

The warden whispered, "I'm the only one who does, and ever will, love you, my precious pearl."

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