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                                                                                           SCOTT'S P.O.V

Thank you y/n for bringing me here, I think, why don't we become acquaintance's. "acquaintances? Do you mean like we should become friends?", Ah yes friends we can talk and hangout and uh y/n "yes?" I never introduced myself have I "oh right you haven't, what is your name" My name is Scott Otis and currently I don't have a place to stay so I wanted to ask if I could sleep on your couch "oh sure and we could get you some new clothes, those prince like clothes must be very uncomfortable" Ah yea there not that comfortable to wear, now that you have said that what did you have in mind for my clothing? "I thought of just a baggy shirt and some pants and we could get you a jacket or we could get you some accessories as well maybe some sunglasses since during the day it's super sunny and hot" oh marvelous that would help me a lot thank you darling "darling?" Ah yes darling, I thought it would be a good nickname for you since your such a darling, now shall we head to the store it's getting pretty late and this store seems to be closing soon.I see a clothing shop across the street we should go there first people are still going in so I don't think it's going to close anytime soon.

Are you serious darling do you really think that blue would compliment me darling? "No, this is just a no maybe a more beige or light pink would fit you". Alright darling I'm coming out, how do I look? I would say I would look pretty grand don't you think? "You look fantastic we should get you some pajamas and some other things to wear whenever you go out" oh sleep wear! Hey darling how does this look, I think this would be pretty comfortable when I rest! " oh sure I think that's all we need so let go pay!" "Hello this is all we need" "alright the total will be 89.76, are you paying with cash or card?" " I will be paying with cash" are you sure darling? It's expensive "yes I'm sure I just got my paycheck so it will be fine" if you say so darling.


What do you mean you cannot find Scott "he wasn't in his room or in the garden or anywhere in the castle, we even checked in the town your majesty" Well did you even find a clue of where my son the next heir of the throne is! Some knights and guards I have here you were supposed to make sure NO ONE escaped our castle, I said we could not have this incident again first Cassandra and now Scott "we did find one thing your majesty, we found your sorcerers spell book in his room" Did you question our sorcerer? "N-not yet sir" NOT YET!? WHAT TYPE OF GUARD ARE YOU GO QUESTION HIM HE MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! "Yes sir!" I swear these guards brains are smaller than a pea..


"This is my house I know it's not much but I think it's pretty great and I love it, so what do you think Scott, cozy right" yes it's actually more cozy than I thought darling "hey roomie do you ha-, whose this?" Oh hello I'm Scott I'll be temporarily staying here "oh uhhh alright anyways as I was saying, roomie do you have my hoodie i know you keep stealing them and I very much would like them back I mean you stole my favorite one last week and still haven't given it back even though I've begged you for it so many times!" you steal hoodies? I didn't know you were a thief darling "darling? Is he like your boyfriend" "B-boyfriend, he's not my boyfriend I just met him today!" Yes I have just met your roommate today and I must say she is very nice "I'm going to take a shower why don't you two get aquatinted with each other and when I'm done I can make us dinner" ok darling!


I don't think she would be able to hear us now, what are you doing here aren't you becoming king in a week "yes but I don't want to become the king it won't be any fun, having to work all day and only getting a break when I sleep but now I'll ask you a question ms.kashi what are you doing here werewolf knight of castle crescent what happen?" Why are you so conserved vampire are you going to try to hunt us down and kill our kingdom " No no I would have to be king to do that and I don't want to be king I mean this mortal decided to help me but know I want to know does she know your secret?" Of course she does she's a special type of mortal her family was able to see vampires,werewolf's,fairies,ogres, and demons and they would take them in and help them live in the mortal world so it's most likely she knows you're a vampire "she must be very brave being able to see us, her family does seem familiar though,do you think she might have helped my sister come here or do you think Cassandra is still in our realm" most likely Cassandra used the same tactic you did but I don't think she found Cassandra yet but anyways it gets very hot out here so you might want to be prepared.

note: Cassandra is the vampire princess, Nekokashi is a werewolf guard who worked for the kingdom of the crescent moon and you will learn more about here during chapter 5 and if you have any characters you want to add or any ideas you have for this story feel free to tell me.

LoveBite vol 1: sweet as sugar Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz