Chapter IV

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*** Grace's perspectives***

My name is Graces Harold Santos. I am age twenty five currently. Though I bet you want to know about those old days when I was fifteen and Zack was there in my life. But first let me tell you a bit of my self. My parents are Marie Santos and Daniel Harold. I use to live in the forested of Montana and later on I came to live in Atlanta for my treatment with deefness. It was a new type of treatment. Yes I am deef, you though deef couldn't talk or have thoughts in their minds like normal people. Come on are you for real. You'll see what we can do.

But to resolution I was born with deefness and I have nit hear a sound in my life. But I can feel every sound. Sounds are waves and those waves make vibration. Different sounds make different vibrations and you all know... Since little I started listening or feeling the vibrations of the latin songs my mother always sang. She always sang to me everytime I askes her to.

She sang so well to me that I asked her for a music instrument that I could play since I didn't talked much in my infancy. She was a concern about it, how could be... Well my dad said one day " ahh she will learn I know" and bought me a piano. A real piano with strings and keys and all the books he could found. Every key felted different to me. So I read and read till one day I just started playing and I havent stop since then. People refer to me as a prodigy but I was just having fun with it.

By when I was fifteen I had been ingrese in the Elesa Johnson Hospital of Atlanta to study a program called Lips Readings and Sign Language. The doctors explained to me that I would be able to communicate with out using signs all the time. That was a relief to me in part but it was aswell a burden because of all the effort I had to put in. There I will learn to talk with my voice as well but by learning to control my throat and cordination and blah blah blah science.

I am not annoying. Is just that I'm always in a rush.

Okay to it. No more about me. I met Zack quiet in a strange way. I had been told that there was a music room in the hospital's third floor and I had to find it. It was against some rules to go to the third floor without permission. The doctors help me but I could do whatever I wanted by my self. I am not a doll that you have to carry everywhere. So I found it after getting lost a million times.

The first time I saw Zack was  in April. He was in his room. I passed by on the way to the music room search quest. He was starring at the window, like thinking to himself. I sneeked an eye in a little through the esge of the door. Preatty sneeky right. He was cute ofcourse. Taller than me with a mid strong body. Skinny and had no hair in his head. Obviously he had cancer, he was in the third floor for a reason. But he was hot looking, I couldn't see his eyes well. But they looked like hazel. It was a quick glimps. No way I could have examined this prospect in one second.

So he moved from where he was and I think he said something because he turned around and by the next second I had run the half way down the hall. I saw three little girls running toward the door so I just left. 

I finally founded the music room after the long walk around the floor. And the lovely piano was there. Black and white, so sexy. About a couple of minutes later a girl came in running verry stressed. But she was smiling, perhaps playing games or something. She saw me there and sat next to me quietly. I played for like twenty minutes straight. Just improvising what ever I felted.

The girls was pleace with the music. Every now and then she danced around the piano and sometimes sang. I couldn't hear what she was singing. Hahaha but she was.

From nowhere the boy I saw came, I got nervious. I was like " what the heck just happened!" I stopted playing for a second. He was even better looking when he got close. Well not like a Justin Timberlake but he was okay. He didn't spoke a word at first, he stood with hus mouth open for a while. It was so funny!

Seems his a little shy.

I played a ballad that I had been composing latetly. It seem to have kicked away the awkwardness. He seem to like it as well as the other girl. Good, I was hopping for it. But that song has not been completed yet so I stoped. It was dry; like it seem so good and suddently

vanishes. I needed inspiration to finish it, but I was not in love yet.

Sorry I am not that good at explinations.

I gave him a smile and he did the same. When he began talking I felted awkward. I could not understand him. Like how are we suppose to communicate? He notice my confusion and sat by my side.Then the scene was all like the one on Tarzan. When Jane and Tarzan start talking with their " oh me Tarzan and you Jane". How original from him right? , Hahaha what a funny fellow. But when he maked a heart shape with his hand I got goosbumps. He was looking straight at me with his light hazel eyes. I tried to look at them but I didn't dare to much. A stare so deep and soft. He seem so delicious.  I got blushy and I had to tell him something. But what? What if he does not like deef girls or what if he does not understand me?  Only one way to find out, I told him by signs that he was verry sweet and that my name was and is Grace.

He couldn't get it. His face got messtup. Not like bad or onfuse but like frustrated. Most first impresions I get are like that of confusion but he was like concern.

Dr Brenda, my teacher in language came and said a few things but then signed me

- How's it going with your date?-

I responded quickly

- He is not my date, I don't know him. But he is cute.-

She then said

- You missed you class by an hour. Come one lets go so I can give you the homework. Ohh and his name is Zack-

I stoped signing and got up to her. I said goodbye and left. It felted so wrong to leave now! It wasn't fair.

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