Chapter 43 A Future Luna

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Lucas and I entered his room, which was the size of a studio apartment. I immediately went to sit on the couch in the front of the room, just in case he had any other ideas. Lucas sat down next me, and we faced each other. I was nervous to talk to him, but knew that I had to open up to him about what has been bothering me.

"So, what's up, Liv? What did you want to talk about?" He asked me, leaning back on the couch.

"Well, I was talking to Sheila about some of my worries and concerns about us being mates, and..."

"Concerns?" Lucas looked confused.

"Yeah, I just have some worries about our future now that were mates." I confessed to him, not sure how he was going to react. I know that we had a good talk in the car, but I didn't bring up many of my issues and now was the time to let him know what was really bothering me.

"Oh." He paused, processing what I was saying. "What are you worried about?" He questioned, seeming a bit worried.

"Well, I mean, we just found out that we're mates, and I don't know about you, but I'm not in any rush here. I want to finish school, and stuff. But you are the future alpha, which means I'll have to be a Luna, right? And I'm not sure if that's somethig I can do. What if I'm not good at it? I never planned on meeting my mate this soon. It's all a bit much, right?" I rambled out my issues, sounding like a crazy person.

"Okay, calm down." Lucas placed my hands in his. "I can tell you're worried about your future, now that we're mates." Lucas reiterated. "Firstly, we can take our relationship as slowly as you want. Just because we are spirit mates, doesn't mean we need to complete the mating ceremony anytime soon." He said, relieving some of my concerns. The mating ceremony is basically the lycan version of getting married. We could still be together and even have sex without completing the formal ritual. I was happy to hear that he was in no rush to be "married".

"Secondly, I'm not gonna stop you from finishing school or whatever you want to do. I want you to be happy, Liv. And, if you're worried that you're not going to be a good Luna, then you're wrong. I know you'll do great." Lucas held my hands in his, to reassure my confidence.

"How do you know?" I asked doubtful. Lucas smiled at me with radiance.

"Do you know what the most important aspect of being a Luna is?" He asked.

"Um, I don't know; interacting with the pack and taking care of them. Your mom is a great Luna, she always cares for her people." I answered.

"She is great. But no. The most important thing, is that a good Luna holds the Alpha together. Without his Luna, the Alpha couldn't run the pack. I know you'll be a good Luna, because you've been with me every step of the way on this investigation. You questioned me, which I didn't react well too, but it was the right decision. You pushed me, and you supported me, and hey you even handled yourself well in battle today. And you always made sure to care for me and your friends. Without you, I'm not sure I could handle all of this on my own." Lucas looked straight into my eyes. "I absolutely believe that you'll be an amazing Luna." He kissed my forehead, and brought me in close for a hug.

It was so sweet to hear how much confidence Lucas has in me. My eyes started to water a bit, because it felt good to hear Lucas say that he needed me. Sheila was right, I needed to let go of my grief and anger and just allow myself to be happy in Lucas' arms. A warm sensation flooded over me, and I didn't want him to let go.

"How do you feel now?" He asked, pulling away from me.

"I think I'll be okay. Thank you for everything you just said. I think a part of me was looking for excuses because I'm not ready to let myself be happy with you." I admitted to him.

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