Chapter 2: aphmua and KC?

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I sat down and started chatting with my friends and then alphys left to go to her friends the bell rang
The we can finally explore and go to class the same skeleton that handed the map earlier gives me my schedule
'Hmm let's see what we have here'

Science 6:08 to.7:10
W. D. Gaster: Let's

Break 9:00 to 11:00

Music 12:13 to 12:59
Ms. Shyrin:

Art 1:12 to 1:20
Mr. Ink:

P.E. 1:23 to 1:30
Coach error:

Lunch 1:31 to 1:50

Cooking 2:12 to 2:20
Mr. Cloud9:

Magic 2:21 to 3:01
Ms. Fraiya

After school clubs:|

'Guess this is going to be a long day
Let's go too.. science!
So let's go to the left take a turn and-
I fell on the ground I look up to see to girls
One has pink hair with light brown eyes  ears and a tail has a jacket that says 'senpai'
And shorts
The other has black purplish hair also has brown eyes and has a purple jacket
To with black short pants
I think bumped into the pink haired one
"Omg! Kawai~Chan is very sorry!"
So hers name kawai Chan huh?
"Yeah we're very sorry we were just running away from-"
She said as she rubbed her back
"-Oh no He's coming kawai Chan!"
She grabbed kawai chan's hand and pulled me up and hid behind what???
Then a saw a skeleton-no it's pj
Now what did he do
"(Y/N) get out of the way I'm trying to-"
I cut him off
"Trying to do what pj huh please explain I didn't understand stand you."
You said
"Ugh get out of my way or you'll regret it"
He said glaring at me
"I will not let you bully these girls where are you manners!"
I yelled at him I needed to protect these girl and this boy is so immature
"I don't need manners I need to BEAT THEM UP!"
He shouted I glared at him
I think I have a plan
"Okay how about this we'll have a race in gym this 1:23 at P.E. If I beat you
You get to leave NO you and your friends get to leave everyone alone"
I said this was gonna be easy
"And if i beat you"
He asked
"You get to beat anyone including me"
I told him that he can do anything he wants with anyone
"No if I win I'll make you fall in-love with me and then break your heart just to see your little baby tears."
He'd WHAT?!?
I yelled at him in anger obviously
My mask ins't making anyone leave me alone

(Yeah you have a mask on a one with a cloud right on the left side of your mask)

"Ugh!! Fine but just so you know you'll end up falling in-love with me-"
I said in a flirty~ tone while grabbing his chin
"-now leave jerk!"
I yelled and he left
"Thank you for saving me and aphmau~Chan!"
Kawai~chan happily said
"Yeah but be careful pj can run very very VERY fast!!"
Aphmau said
"Don't worry he won't bully and besides I never ra-"
I started panicking
"Kawai~Chan know someone let Kawai~Chan help you!"
Awe so adorable~
"Thanks Kawai Chan ill think about it!"
I then wave goodbye to them and head to class
"So why are you late?"

(I don't wanna do the wing dings it's to much work and I'm lazy~)

"Sorry mr gaster I just ran into trouble on the way."
'I hope I don't get detention on my first day oh god'
"Okay but please be on time I don't want you being late go have a seat"
I examin the room to find a seat next to
Three boys?-
'Ugh whatever I need to sit down my legs are hurting'
I then went up to them
"Hey can I sit or is it someone else's-"
"Just go away okay we don't want a nerd sitting with us"
Okay don't was rude
"Will that's rude you could've-ugh whatever"
I turn around and see someone waving to me my sister!
I go up to her and ask if its okay and she said yes
I sit down in the middle of to guys
On has a jacket that says
'u wot m8?'
And has black shorts
The other one has a striped shirt with a black sleeveless jacket on
And blue pants
We were a signed to do a Genderbend potion

(A few 10 minutes later..)

The bell rang
"Let's do it tomorrow okay-"
Then I felt something splashed on my hand and I hissed it was acid but good thing only a little amount dropped into my hand
Then the boy with his eyes closed took my hand and bandaged it
"Thank you my name is (Y/N) yours?"
I asked
"I'm frisk but you can call me whatever you want~"
I got flustered
I hit his head i strutter
"D-don't do that I get f-flustered e-easily!"
I yelled at him and he chuckled
"Hey don't mind him I'm cross chara but you can call me-"
Oh no please not the cheesy joke!
"What thought I'd do the same thing he did?"
He said while smirking
"Um na-uh I'd be a-a stupid potato t-then"
I said sweating
"Huh stupid potato yeah that'll be my nickname for ya!"
He chuckled and i just grabbed both of there hands and lead them to the cafeteria that i past when going to class
"Here you guys go I'll eat alone it's kinda my thing"
I said kinda nervous I never sat with a friend before
"Yah sure stupid potato?"
Said CC while he held a dizzy frisks
"Yes and don't call me stupid potato!"
I justified
"Okay see yah later stupid potato!!"
I said walking away
Then frisk walked away to but wobbling
I chuckled
I then went up to a desk and brought up
My bento and opened it i and started
Eating then I felt a splash on my hair
It was sticking it was cold it was a slushy!?!?
"That's what you get now stay away from my pj!!"
I bunny girl yelled at me and to my bento and threw it in the trash
"Please leave me alone if you know how to leave someone when there eating" said I was about to walk away when she grabbed my hair I tried getting out of her grip then my sister neon came running and pushed her off of me
Then the bunny girl jumped on neon and started her hair neon cried in pain got angry and pushed bunny off of neon and checked if she was okay and she is
Then took bunny by the hair then my eyes went bloodshot red
I dragged her to the bin she threw my food put hair face in the garbage I let her
"You can mess with me all you want but never try and hurt my sister she stood up with my food in her face she ran crying to the bathroom and I helped up neon
I then healed her
"Are you okay now neon I hope she didn't give trouble."
I said my voice cold as ice
"No but you still got slushy al over-"
I felt someone tapping my shoulder
I looked behind
And saw pj...
"Here let me wip it off"
He wiped it all off
And I noticed everyone was looking at us I was kinda shy but this is to much go to my table get out my giant cookie!!
"Omg! You can't eat all of that!"
Aphmau said as she and KC come to my table
"Who's said that your mom oh what
She isn't here with you to bad so sad"
I then hear an 'OOOO!'to my right and then see frisk CC and two other people
And then my sister comes and sit's with me
Ahh this is...kinda weird and funny I guess my friends are the


//In-love? ||remake||naj x reader//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang