1 - helping a enderman

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Chloe Cloud's POV:
I curled up on the cozy bed, watching as Trapper carefully prepared a healing potion. The room was filled with the soothing aroma of herbs and potions. Living together with Trapper had become a comforting routine, and his endearing nicknames always brought a smile to my face.

"Drink up," Trapper said, approaching me with the potion in hand.

I glanced at the potion, slightly puzzled. "I thought you made splash potions," I remarked, remembering how he used to create potions that could be thrown to heal multiple people at once.

Trapper chuckled softly. "I ran out of gunpowder, so this one's a regular potion. Drink up, fluff butt," he said, affectionately patting the top of my head before heading downstairs to attend to something else. I obediently took a sip of the potion, feeling its healing energy flow through me. My arm, previously injured, was now completely healed.

Just as I was about to settle back into the comfort of the bed, Trapper's voice echoed through the house, calling for me. Curiosity piqued, I climbed down the ladder and found him standing near a barrel, his gaze fixed upon it. It didn't take long for my realization to dawn upon me. I had forgotten to move the skinned rabbit I had stashed in there. Panic washed over me, knowing how much Trapper disliked it when I consumed rabbit meat, especially considering he himself was a rabbit.

"Um, y-yes?" I stammered nervously, meeting his stern gaze.

He turned around, holding the skinned rabbit in his hands. My heart sank, anticipating his disapproval. "Why is there a dead rabbit in one of the barrels?" he asked, his voice laced with a touch of anger.

I fumbled for an explanation, desperately trying to come up with something. "O-oh, t-that... well, you see, it's my food from Gamer Dog," I stuttered, hoping he would understand.

Trapper's expression softened, his anger giving way to calmness. "Why do you have rabbit? You know I'm a rabbit, so why on earth did you get it?" he asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.

My ears drooped, feeling guilty for my oversight. I lowered my gaze, unsure of how to respond. I knew Trapper's disdain for me eating rabbit meat, given our close sibling bond.

He stepped closer to me, holding out the skinned rabbit in his hands. Confusion clouded my mind as I looked at him, trying to comprehend his actions.

"Go upstairs and eat it," Trapper said, a gentle smile forming on his lips.

My eyes widened in surprise, and a mixture of relief and disbelief washed over me. "Really?" I asked, my voice filled with genuine astonishment.

Trapper nodded, his calm demeanor unwavering. "Yes, you're a fox after all. I can't let you eat berries for the rest of your life. Embrace your nature," he said, his words carrying a warm reassurance.

Excitement bubbled within me, and my fluffy tail began to wag uncontrollably. I couldn't contain my happiness as I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug, expressing my gratitude and joy.

"Just make sure I can't see it," Trapper said, his tone serious yet kind.

"I promise you won't even notice," I replied, my voice brimming with sincerity. With that, I climbed back up the ladder to our bedroom, the anticipation of savoring the rabbit meat filling me with newfound excitement. As I sat down, devouring the rabbit, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having a brother like Trapper who not only accepted me for who I was but also encouraged me to embrace my true nature. The savory taste of the rabbit filled my senses, and I relished each bite, savoring the flavors that brought me closer to my fox instincts.

As I enjoyed the meal, my thoughts drifted to Trapper and how much he meant to me. He had always been there for me, guiding and protecting me as an older brother should. Despite his initial disapproval of me eating rabbit, he had set aside his personal feelings and allowed me to be true to myself. It was a gesture of love and understanding that touched my heart.

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