3 - warnings of the end cities

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Hudson POV
I soared above the sprawling landscape, my wings cutting through the cool air as I surveyed the remains of the Friends SMP. The fall of our cherished server had left us scattered and disheartened. We had lost our unity and the sense of camaraderie that once defined us. The memories of our carefree adventures weighed heavily on my heart, and I couldn't help but long for the days when laughter echoed through the virtual world.

But those days were gone, replaced by a somber reality. We had to rebuild, but more importantly, we had to conceal ourselves from the prying eyes of the outside world. The notion of a new village took shape in our minds, a place where we could regroup and protect what was left of our community. Friends SMP still existed, but it was but a mere shadow of its former self.

Lost in my thoughts, I heard a faint voice calling my name. "Hudson!"

I descended from the skies, landing gracefully near Chris, who held a weathered book in his hands. His eyes held a mix of curiosity and urgency.

"What is it?" I inquired, my own curiosity piqued.

"It's a letter," Chris replied, extending the book towards me.

I took the book from his outstretched hand, its worn pages feeling familiar beneath my fingers. I skimmed through the contents, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion and intrigue.

"From whom?" I asked, trying to decipher the sender's intentions.

"From the Ender Cities," Chris explained, his voice tinged with surprise.

"Why would they be reaching out to us?" I pondered aloud, my mind racing to uncover the purpose behind their message.

Chris shrugged, leaving the answer to my musings. With a deep breath, I began reading the letter aloud, my voice resonating through the quiet village.

"Dear Gracegrove Village,
I am seeking your assistance in locating an Enderman named Ender. We have already reached out to FusionTwins for help, but he showed no interest in this matter. Hence, we turn to you for aid. Ender is distinguished by a purple tail, unlike other Enderman with black tails. If you are willing to help, please respond swiftly. On another note, we have heard that FusionTwins now leads Shadow-Bloodshed. I always thought he despised leadership.
From the Ender Dragon."

As I finished reading the letter, a surge of anger coursed through my veins. How dare they reach out to us after FusionTwins had turned his back on us! Without a second thought, I pulled out a flint and steel from my pouch, setting the book ablaze. The flames licked hungrily at the pages, consuming the message that sought our assistance.

"Hudson, what's the plan?" Chris asked, his voice laced with determination.

"We need to send word to Dakota's village, Alex's kingdom, Hailee's forest, Logan, and FusionTwins' village," I replied firmly, my mind already formulating a strategy.

"Why did you mention FusionTwins like that?" Chris inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Because I have a feeling he knows where Ender is," I responded, suspicion creeping into my voice.

Chris nodded in understanding and hurried off to his house, the urgency of the situation evident in his brisk footsteps. I made my way to the armory, knowing that in times like these, we needed a well-crafted plan and sturdy defenses to protect our newfound village from any threats that may arise.

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