4 - Trapper's rage

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Ender's POV:

It had been quite some time since Trapper received the letter from Gracegrove, and he had been preparing ever since. Both Chloe and I were growing increasingly concerned about Trapper's well-being, as he refused to take a break and continued to bear the weight of his responsibilities alone. I found myself in the kitchen, trying to whip up a meal for Chloe, who sat patiently at the table.

"What are you making?" Chloe asked curiously.

"If I'm being honest, I have no flipping clue," I replied with a chuckle. Chloe's laughter warmed my heart, momentarily easing the worry that consumed me. Being with them in this cozy little haven provided fleeting moments of respite, but the impending storm of the Ender Dragon Queen prophecy and the relentless interference from other players made it difficult to truly relax.

Lost in my thoughts, the sound of the door swinging open jolted me back to reality. Trapper descended the stairs and locked eyes with me.

"Hide now!" he urgently commanded.

As per our established routine, I scrambled up the ladder leading to Trapper and Chloe's room. Behind the chests, I found a hiding spot and nestled myself, surprised that I could still fit behind them. It seemed I needed to regain some weight after all. From my concealed vantage point, I could hear voices downstairs-it was Trapper and Hydra. What was she doing here?

"Hydra! You can't just come in like that!" Trapper's voice boomed with a mix of anger and frustration.

As more people made their way up the ladder, panic began to well up within me. If Hydra discovered my presence, I would be forced to return to the End world, a place I desperately wanted to leave behind. Trapper stood firmly in front of Hydra, a human barricade protecting my secret.

"Move out of the way, Fusiontwins," Hydra venomously demanded.

Unyielding, Trapper refused to budge, displaying a strength and resolve that sent chills down my spine. My tail twitched anxiously, poised to strike if needed.

"You don't tell me what to do in my own house. You're the one who came barging in, so no, I won't move," Trapper retorted with escalating anger. He drew his netherite sword, its menacing presence signaling his readiness to defend.

"I need to find Ender!" Hydra explained, her voice tinged with desperation.

Trapper pressed the sword against her throat, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Concern gripped me tightly as I realized the gravity of the situation. If Trapper were to harm an Ender Guardian, the entire End world would retaliate against him.

"You wouldn't dare do this to me, Fusiontwins," Hydra stammered, her fear now evident.

It was unusual to witness Hydra, a guardian, showing fear towards a player. Guardians were typically fearless, except for the youngest among them who eventually shed their fears over time. I strained to catch a glimpse of Trapper's face, but all I could see was his back. Suddenly, he erupted into maniacal laughter, freezing the breath in my lungs. This was a side of Trapper I had never seen before.

"если ты не уйдешь из моего дома, я тебя убью," Trapper uttered in a language foreign to me. (Translation: "If you don't leave my house, I'm going to kill you.")

Hydra backed away, trembling, and it became evident that even though I couldn't understand Trapper's words, he had made his intentions crystal clear. He wanted her gone.

"All right, I'll go!" Hydra conceded in defeat.

Hydra descended the ladder, with Chloe yelling at her in protest, before the door slammed shut. I emerged from my hiding spot cautiously, only to find Trapper's sword pointed directly at my chest. His eyes no longer held their usual purple hue but were instead a piercing shade of Ender eyes. Was this what people meant when they spoke of his past with the Ender Queen?

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