Shower Interface

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The Lost Light was a quiet ship, void of life at a time like this. Many bots were out in the Mess Hall celebrating primus knew what.

All of which except a certain genderless Cybertronian, the bot was tossing and turning. Heating up badly. The bot turned to face the window. A lone stream of light emitted from the crevice of the endless stream of stars in the solar system that surrounded the starship. 

Prior to the hour before, Rose was offered a invite to the party in the mess hall by zir sparkmates, but ze politely declined as ze were feeling off. 

Rose at first believed it was the heating system in the room ze were in, but it gradually became worse as the night dragged on. 

Zir frame felt scorching hot, and every orifice of zir frame is screaming for it to stop. Rose flopped on the side of the berth but it seems like the increasing heat only added to the discomfort. 

It was getting hard to tell if it was zir frame that was hot or if it were the surface ze were on that was. As Rose laid on the berth completely hot, the door opened slightly. 

Rose perked zir helm up to see who came in, from the small light Illuminating from the dimly lit hallway of the ship. Rose could make out the faint outline of Swerve, one of the bots in the polyamorous relationship that ze were in. 

Swerve stepped into the room a little bit worried, but he masked his worries behind a smile, once he stepped into the room, the door shut behind him. 

"Hey Rose." He said gently, "Is everything alright?" 

Swerve was the type to care for his mates in the relationship, he was very supportive, and is a motivator like Rodimus. So it came naturally to him whenever any of his mates are not feeling too good. Almost like a second nature to him. 

"Hm? Oh, uh. Yeah I'm fine." Rose assured the minibot— though, that didn't quell his concerns any further and only prompted for him to come closer in response. 

"I'm pretty sure you're not okay, Rose. You haven't showed up to the party and... Well... I was worried." Swerve admits, "I asked the others where were you and they told me— that you were out in our habsuite. I was worried something bad happened to you!" Swerve admits, The Minibot took a few cautious steps towards Rose before practically recoiling back in surprise at the heat erading from the bots armor. 

"Rose... Is... Everything alright?" He asked once more, something was off— no, something is off. He took a few tentative steps closer to the bot and placed a servo on zir armor— 

—only to be in contact with the searing heat of metal, he yanked his servo off, before worrying. "Oh no no no, Rose. You're heating up bad... Would you like a cold decontmination shower?" He asked, maybe that'll fix the heating plates issue. 

"That sounds rather nice..." Rose mumbled, Swerve picked up Rose gently. He tried to ignore the painful burns and walked zir down the halls to the washracks. 

The washracks were a room for the bots on the vessel to bathe, this particular area on the ship is wide and has various commodities at the ready weather it be for showering or for bathing. 

Specifically— for this occasion— Swerve has made the decision to have a shower. He enjoyed baths with Rose and Rodimus but today, Rose needed a quick shower. Once he got the shower to a cold relaxing temperature he eased Rose slowly into the shower before ze relaxed and went inside it. 

The contact of the cold water caused Roses frame to sizzle. Swerve looked nervous but decided maybe it was just sizzling because ze were too hot. 

Finally, Rose seemed to ease up in the shower, feeling very happy. For a bit. Swerve stood by zir side before a soft audible moan was heard. 

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