4 Alpha's And An Omega

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Most Omegas have 1 Alpha, some weren't even lucky to get one. But one Omega got four. 

This particular Omega was Rose, ze had a very strong scent. Naturally, scents like these attracted a Alpha that triggered their ruts. But seeing as this scent affected not one but four alphas this caused them to fight over this particular Omega. 

Strong scented Omega's were rare as most if not majority of the Omega's preferred to keep their scent masked as a precaution to protect them at the time. 

All 4 of Roses' Alpha's would surround Rose and growled at any other Mechs that are Alpha's that would Approach zir. 

"Hey~ ah clocked that yer pheromones ur wafting, it mist be that time o' munth isnae it?" Skids winked, Rose blushed bright blue. Rose noticed Skids' pheromones were very, strong and dominating presenting. Rose could tell he was an Alpha. 

Rose couldn't tell him that ze were already taken. Skids leaned into Rose. 

"Urr ye marked yit? if nae, a'd lik' tae marc a submissive breedable omega lik' yourself~ thir's nae mony omega's that hae thair scent oot in th' open lik' this!~" Skids said, leaning into Rose. Rose blushed. The worse part about being an unmarked Omega is that alpha's would come and go they pleased. 

Roses' faceplates were starting to become bright red. Rose couldn't tell Skids that ze were already claimed by four alphas. 

A servo was placed on Skids' Shoulder. 

"Somethin' the matter?" Said a voice. Skids looked up to be met with Kup. 

"Awright, Kup. Whit dae yi''ll need? 'n' kin ye git yer servo aff mah shoulder? Haha..." It was clear that Skids was starting to get nervous. 

"Do you know it's disrespectful to go after a spoken for Omega?" Kup asked, Skids raised his eyebrow ridge at him. 

"Whit dae ye mean aboot 'spoken for'? this Omega doesn't clearly hae markings oan zir, ye dae ken ony unmarked Omega's ur free gam fur ony Alpha's that reek th' heat o' an Omega. Especially sin this is yin o' th' few Omega's tae hae a pure tough reek." Skids said with a smirk, Kup tightened his grip on Skids' shoulder. 

"You listen here– We may not have claimed zir, but once we do, we will not allow another Alpha to touch our Omega." Kup snarls. 

"Whit dae ye mean, 'we'? Ye'r juist yin Alpha..." Skids pointed out. 

"You might think there's one. But there is three other Alpha's." Kup said, "And Rodimus is one of them." 

Kup leaned into Skids audios. 

"And you don't want to peeve off the Alphaeist of Alpha's now don't you?" Kup said, squeezing tighter, "Especially the Captain and Commander of this vessel." 

"W-Well Ah- Um. Weel, Ah- Howfur Wis Ah- Um weel Um... Um... U-Um, U-Uh." Skids sputters out, Kup pulls away. 

"Come now, Rose." Kup said. 

Rose nods and walked with Kup, Skids muttered under his breath. 

Rose and Kup arrived back to their habsuite. Kup turned to face Rose. 

"Get some rest okay? Me and the other three will be there in a few." Kup placed a kiss on zir forehelm. 

Rose left as Kup sighed and walked towards the room where the other three was. Kup kissed the three on the lips and sighed. 

"Alright, what seems to be the issue, Kup?" Rodimus asked. 

"Well, we have to mark Rose as our own. Skids tried to advance on Rose. And you know Omega's are extremely submissive, if it wasn't for me stepping in we would've lost zir." Kup said. 

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