Final Memory

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"I'm sorry, ze has a few cycles until ze offline, there's nothing much we can do." Ratchet said. Rodimus teared up. 

"What can we do? There's got to be something!" Rodimus said. 

"The best option you have is to make zir final moments special." Ratchet suggests. 

"As much as we hate to hear this, we have no choice. Thanks Ratchet." Rung said grimly. The Five of them arrived back in their habsuite. 

"So, Ratchet said we have to make zir last few moments special. We should take zir out and hang out with zir." Kup said.

"As much as I don't want to believe this, Kup is right." Swerve said. 

The Five of them hung out together, picnicking on a hill of Earth in their holoforms. Each and every time they went out Rose became more and more weak. Eventually, Rose was unable to walk, and had to use a wheelchair, the four knew their time was soon approaching. They saw Rose sitting out in the observation deck. 

"Hey Rose?" Rodimus said, Rose turned to face Rodimus and looked towards the other three. 

"Yes?" Rose replies. 

"You don't have much time left and I... We decided to let you pick what you want to do..." Rodimus said. 

"I want to see the sunset with you four..." Rose said. 

"..." Rodimus choked up. "Y-You want to see the sunset? Okay, if you want. Then you'll see the suns-set..." Rodimus teared up and pushed zir wheelchair. 

The other three followed behind. Rose and them arrives on the hill looking at the sunset.

It was peaceful, Rodimus and the other three were grim. 

"Isn't this a beautiful sunset?" Rung asked. 

Rose chuckles. "Best I ever seen." Rose states. The others went silent and started to think. What were they going to do after Rose passed? Rose were their glue that stuck them together and now, now Rose is going to pass. 

Without Rose, the other three didn't know what to do. They sighed and looked towards Rose who had zir optics closed. They panicked. 

"Rose? Can you hear us?" They asked the cybertronian, no response. They freaked out and shoved Rose to wake zir up and got no response. Rodimus knowing what this meant fell to his knees in anguish. He couldn't save zir, Rose was gone. 

Rodimus started to cry, emotions flooded him one by one, he couldn't take it, he was at the brink of what he could take. Kup placed a servo on Rodimuses' back, and sighed. 

He too, knew ze were no longer with them. They rushed zir back to Ratchet who was asking them questions for what they want to do with the body. Rodimus all the while clung onto Kup still upset. 

Kup discussed to Ratchet that he would like zir ashes, he planned to ask Drift to plant a cherry blossom tree and they could spread zir ashes in the soil of the planted cherry blossom tree to commemorate zir. Rodimus was wailing, he couldn't bear to hear this. He was sparkbroken. 

Kup tried to calm him down. But Rodimus, he was grieving badly. After the preparations were in order, Ratchet went ahead and dismissed them. The four went back to their room and sat in silence. Now that Rose was gone. 

They didn't know what to do... They stayed together sadly, looking at one another. One wanted to say something, but the other couldn't, so they went quiet. 

Eventually, Rodimus couldn't take it and ran towards Roses' side of the room and went through zir stuff and finally, after having a mental breakdown, envelopes directed to each of them fell on the floor at Rodimuses' pedes. He picked up the scattered letters and walked over to the other three handing them their letters in silence. 

They each opened their letters. 

"Dearest, (Main Four)

I knew when I first met you, I was a mess. I didn't know what to do with my life, my past relationships were hell for me and I was so afraid you were going to hurt me. But as we all became close, those fears went away. You made me safe and felt wanted. I couldn't thank you enough for the relationship. Each and every one of you did so much for me, and I wish. I wish I had more to say, but even writing words on a paper is even harder than saying it out loud. I just wanted to tell you, I love all three of you. While my time is up, and I'm no longer here as you're reading this. I wanted to let you all know how special you all meant to me, please take care of our kids, I am watching from above.

- Rose." 

Rodimus teared up, as photos fell from the envelope, he picked them up and the other three looked over his shoulder only to see various images of Rose and them all together or some individually with Rose. Photos such as them kissing, with their children even Rose holding their children after birth and zir final moments with them. All four of them decided that right then and there they needed to honor Rose, as ze would wanted them to. 

They made frames to place the photos up and began to write back to Rose. 

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