Chapter 2. Noble Name Vs Noble Heart

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No matter how much I hated it, I ended up going to some stupid party at House Laurent with my mother. We were invited on more important matters but they were also planning a party so I had to dress nicely. To be honest, I kinda hate not wearing my armor. The dress is really nice but I prefer being out and doing what I want to do. Unfortunately, being the daughter of House Crownguard means I have to have some sort of figure. Mom said it was the least I could do after not showing up to the arranged marriage I had with the king. It would've been easier on me if auntie never made that arrangement at all but no, magic bad, give you authority therefore no one question why you use magic.

I couldn't help but groan a little. Something one of the pretty noble boys notice.

Noble Boy: Is something the matter Lady Crownguard? Perhaps a bit more tea will cheer you up?

Lux: No no, I'm fine. Just a bit of a rough morning.

And the lack of having a voice to shout my opinions. It really does suck that I can't say what I want without serious repercussions. Neither of my parents or my aunt will ever let me hear the end of it. Or anyone else for that fact. Sometimes I really wish I wasn't born into this family. There are way to many expectations on me. I don't know how Garen puts up with it. I know he chose to become a soldier but that's about it. I love Demacia and I would do anything for it, just...

Noble Boy: Are you positive? You seem to have had a rough morning and aren't feeling well. I can call over some of my servants to-

Lux: I said I'm fine!

He was stunned by how I raised my voice but he quickly sneered at me and walked away. I bit my bottom lip, hoping only he heard that. Guys hit on me all the time so it was incredibly annoying. It makes no sense to me why they'd even try after I didn't marry Jarvan. Is their ego that big or are they desperate to have some sort of connection to the House. No matter what though, I'm not marrying anyone my family picks. It will always be wrong to force something like that on your children.

???: Lady Crownguard.

My attention went to the upstairs balcony where my mother and the head of House Laurent, Fiora Laurent where.

Fiora: We are having an important discussion and you are to be present. Servant, escort her.

One of the well dressed butlers came up and began to guide me to the balcony where we were isolated from the crowd.

Fiora: Thank you, now leave us.

The butler bowed and left the three of us alone. I think my mother knew what I did since she had a disappointed expression on her face.

Fiora: Thank you both for accepting my invitation.

Augatha: You are welcome. I know our Houses have less than great history so any attempt to reconcile is a welcome one.

Fiora: Indeed.

The two began to discuss things I really didn't care for, or at least most of it.

Fiora: I am well aware that your daughter her did not marry the king as planned. I for one see this as an opportunity.

Augatha: An opportunity for what?

Fiora: Your House is charged with the protection of the royal family. If Luxanna does not wish to marry his majesty then perhaps she will be willing to protect it. This will be an exchange. My brother Antoine Laurent will be given the chance to train with Garen, hopefully learn some humility while Luxanna Crownguard will be trained by me personally so that she will be better suited for your House's primary duty.

Lux: W-wait what? Train under you? Wouldn't that mean I would have to stay here?

Fiora: I will not force you to live here. I do however, think that this training exchange will benefit both families. I know Garen well enough that I can trust him with disciplining my relative and you can use the training.

Well she wasn't wrong but it still didn't sit well with me. Mostly cause I'd be stuck doing something I don't want to do. Fencing wouldn't really help with my magic at all.

Augatha: I think this is a wonderful exchange, don't you agree sweetie?

Lux: Well, I think it is but... I don't know how I feel about fencing.

Fiora: It doesn't have to be fencing, it can be any weapon of your choice.

At least that makes it easier on me. Still, I can't tell her I use magic. This could be a good opportunity for me to learn something that'll make people less suspicious.

Lux: I'll think about it thoroughly. I would love to fight for my country but their are some things I will need to think about first.

Fiora: Very well. I'll be waiting for your answer. Please, do enjoy the party.

My mother and I bow to her and begin to head back down.

Augatha: You handled that quite well dear, but I do still think you should take it. It'll do our both our House's quite well.

Lux: I know, I just... need some time.

How am I gonna break this to Garen and Auntie? One mistake with Fiora and my secret could be out. Try not to worry about it to much Lux.


Regardless of the age, Demacia has always been a beautiful city. If only it wasn't so tainted on the inside. Just looking around this part of town is somewhat depressing. Most folks here wear ragged clothes and most of the children were messy. I don't know why they'd treat the common folk like this. Everyone knows for a fact that the upper class have plenty of resources to help. They're probably dedicated to the military efforts. Speaking of, how many fathers and sons get drafted into something they want no part of? Father was right, this city is in desperate need of help.

Y/N: That help is gonna be a little later than what people want but these things can't be rushed.

Just as I finish my sentence, I see a kid with a bag on his back running at full speed. Behind him was a couple of the guards and they were beginning to gain on him. Seeing that I would need to get involved, I tail behind them until the kid is cornered.

Guard1: No where to run rat, now hand over that bread.

Kid: No! My sisters will starve!

Guard2: Then pay up! Oh wait, you can't do that which is why you had to steal from that store.

Kid: Please, just leave me alone.

Guard1: Sorry rat, but rules are rules.

Just as the guard was about to reach for him, I hold out a pouch of gold.

Y/N: That ought to pay for the expenses I believe.

Guard1: Where did you come from?

Y/N: I was out doing some shopping and was going to buy this kid and his siblings some food. You'll have to forgive him for his impatience.

The two guards looked to each other before shrugging and taking the gold. The second one tried to get a look at my face but doesn't see much. With that, they both walk away. I turned around and saw the boy still huddled in the corner with his arms around the bag.

Y/N: Do try to be more careful. Alright?

He nods rapidly and I gesture him to get move. I don't actually know how much gold I put in there but it was definitely more than enough for some bread. It might come back to bite me but I can't stand by and watch children be beaten up over something so little.

Guess I better get to work then.

Be My Queen (Male Royal Reader x Lux)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant