Chapter 6. How About Some Bread?

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Last night was very unexpected. I had expected Y/N to leave for Sylas's camp but instead he claims to have a purpose here and it involves King Jarvan. Not knowing who he is really doesn't help but he loves Demacia like I do. As I got dressed into some that isn't my pajamas, my brain stormed through the possibilities of who he is. Was he an old soldier that fought for Jarvan III? That wouldn't be right cause there would be records on him. Since he's a caster, joining the military wouldn't exactly be smart. Then again, I did so he may have. He obviously knows Jarvan but there's no way they're related. Maybe they are just good friends. I know Garen is good friends with the King since they grew up training with one another.

Now that I got something much nicer on, I'll go and ask him. Being the daredevil I am, instead of just walking down the stairs, I slide down the rail and stick the landing.

Lux: And the crowd goes wild!

I then heard a sigh next to me. One of the servants was watching me the whole time. I nervously chuckle and rub the back of my head.

Servant: Breakfast is ready and everyone is waiting on you, Lady Crownguard.

Lux: That's just where I was heading. Thank you for the information.

They bow and I make my way to the dining room. I was immediately nervous cause EVERYONE in the family was here.

Pieter: Good morning Lux. You alright?

Lux: Yes father. One Magic Caster isn't gonna make me lose sleep.

Eldred: It should dear niece-in-law. Magic Casters are dangerous and any act they perform could be life threatening.

Tianna: Calm yourself darling. Quinn and Valor are already patrolling for the culprit. If he still in the city, we will find him.

Pieter: See to it that you do.

As I sit down, father stands up and glances at the portrait of our founding father.

Pieter: House Crownguard was founded upon the defense of nobility. That which governs our very nation. If our House were to be destroyed, the crown would be left without its guard.

That pun was not intended. He's too serious about this whole thing, especially since the Y/N was just unlucky to run into us. After seeing the King, he may have just continued working from the shadows. Which brings me back to my original purpose here.

Lux: I just remembered. Garen, you grew up alongside King Jarvan IV, right?

Garen: Yes, what of it?

Lux: Was there ever anyone else that you grew up with? Another friend?

Garen: Not that I can remember. Why do you ask?

I didn't actually think this far. Bullocks! Now everyone is suspicious of me. Wait, I have an idea!

Lux: That Magic Caster broke into the barracks but what if he was actually trying to get to the throne room?

Garen: Are you saying someone might wish to harm his majesty? Someone that once knew him?

Lux: It's possible. I had suspected Sylas was involved but if he wanted to attack the King again, he would've brought an army.

Eldred: This is an interesting suggestion Luxanna. Have you been brushing up on detective works?

I shake my head and begin to dig into the morning meal. The bread we had was pretty bland as usual. To me, it never mattered how good the food looked if it didn't taste good. I think my distaste for it was obvious because mother was looking at me.

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