Peck Chimes In PT1

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{Peck Chimes In was made with Dreamily app and ties into Greely Takes Over}

Peck may have seemed like a precious little painter for the bunnies. Yes, she was the bunny alpha. Truly, was Peck ever as she said to be?  It may have been hard not to see it after all of her years of being around them; her beautiful  eyes, her soft fur, her sweet smile. The only issue that made Peck the way she is now was one she had never wanted anyone to know about, was her secret love for Greely. Her love only grew more after he released all those pesky phantoms to take over Jamaa.  A lot could go wrong with that plan, but Peck would be damned if she didn't stand up for his cause. So when she went to visit him, and she saw Greely talking to the young sabertooth cat, it was too late to tell him anything. It felt like time stopped right then and there as the two met, and Peck's feelings grew. She loved Greely to much to let that sabertooth boy get in the way! She worked up to a better hiding spot and eavesdropped on their conversation.
"Why are you laughing so much?"
"Oh, Master Greely! I've killed my friends to be your Slave! To be a new alpha with you! As my name is Saber!" Saber lunged at Greely only to be smacked into a wall by Greely hisself.
The two stared at each other.
"You're an idiot. You'll regret this." Greely said before disappearing back into the house leaving Saber staring at where he once stood.
"I can't do it. This isn't the life I want to live."
Peck knew that the boy wouldn' t make it through the night. He'd kill himself or someone else who got close to him, just like how he murdered that last pack of predators.
Greely returned. "Get up Saber!"
Saber didn't move.
Greely took out a dagger and held it right up to his throat. "Get up Saber! NOW! Or so help me-"
And that's when everything went black.
He woke up in the med bay, surrounded by machines. He looked at Greely sitting next to the bed in the corner.
"Greely." He croaked, the sound hurting his throat.
His old mentor turned away from the window. "What did I say about speaking?"
"It hurts."
Greely nodded. "Yeah... I figured. Why don't we start again. My name is Saber."
Saber smiled, despite being hurt his chest warmed up knowing that even though they were now enemies. Peck had followed into the med bay, staying hidden. She needed to unhide and confrony her love, let Greely know her love for him. Despite he was a wolf and she was a bunny. She loved him and wanted to prove it. Peck goes to reveal herself and to confess only to stop, realizing she couldn't. They knew eachother, they used to work together, and yet, now she couldn't talk to him.  Even though Greely could see her, Peck stayed hidden until she left the med bay. Once she got home, Peck immediately found a way to contact him.
"Greely...I need to talk to you..."

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