Chapter 1

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"Get out, you worthless piece of shit!" my mom yells after me before I slam the front door shut and walk out to my bike.

I just poured out the liquor and flushed the drugs down the toilet that she had just bought. I probably saved her from another visit at the ER, but that's not how she sees it. She never will, and still, I keep doing this. I shouldn't care with the way she treats me. She doesn't give a damn, so why should I?

The thing is, she's still my mom. I might've given up on her ever being one, but if I don't at least try to keep her alive, it would haunt me forever. I even pay the mortgage so she can keep the house and has somewhere to live, because if I didn't, she would be living on the street.

I straddle my bike, let out a heavy sigh, then grab my helmet from the handlebar and put it on. I rev up my bike and head back to the clubhouse, the place that's become my home, the home I almost lost 5 years ago because I acted like an asshole toward Katie, Tank's daughter and Beast's old lady.

Once at the clubhouse, I knock on the door to the Chapel where I know Beast is.

"Enter," he says, and I step inside and sit down on my usual chair even if it's just the two of us in here.

I let out a heavy sigh again, and Beast leans back in is chair and looks concerned at me. "How is she?" he asks me.

"Pissed that I got rid of the booze and drugs," I scoff.

"I can put the Prospects on her. They can watch her so you can have a break. You need it."

"No, she's my responsibility."

"As long as it doesn't affect the club or anyone else," he says, giving me a knowing look."

"It won't, Prez, I promise."

I've learned my lesson. Beast has told me to come to him or talk to anyone of my 'brothers' instead of bottling everything up inside. I don't need a whole therapy session⸺or maybe I would, but that's not for me. I can't sit on a couch and let someone pick through every bad memory of my childhood. I can deal with it myself. I just need to vent a little once in a while even if I rather wouldn't do that either, but as I said, I've learned my lesson.

I'm glad that they took me back and didn't kick me out after what I did. They trust me again, and now, I'm a patched Enforcer along with Phoenix and Pyro. Nuke is the VP. Colin, Axe's son, who now goes by the name of Colt, is our Sargent-At-Arms. Jake, Tank's son, who now goes by the name of Bane and just came back from the Army, is our Treasurer/TECH-guy. He's got his dad's built body. He's a bit softer than him mentally and a lot calmer, so he wasn't up for the whole Prez thing, but people respect him anyway because of his size. He's smart and good with computers, and he's also picked up a few things about health care from Katie. He can take care of our wounds if we're on the road.

We're the new generation of Predators, but the old timers are still around and act as backup if we need them. Tank is still making sure that we run things as we should, but Beast is a great Prez, so he never has to worry about that. He just has a hard time letting go completely.

More houses have been built around the clubhouse, but we're still a few that live here, the ones that don't have old ladies. Me, for example. Don't want one and don't need one. I have enough to deal with with my mom.

I let go of the thought of Katie pretty quickly after Beast beat me up. I knew even before then that she was his, but I was stupid enough to hit on her a not so nice way. She and Beast are good together, and now, they have twin girls that're 1 year old. They've got their hands full, and Tank is gloating a little that Beast got two daughters that he has to protect. Not that Tank won't be any less protective over them when they grow up since he's their grandpa.

No, I keep to the Sweet butts and random girls who cross my path that just want a fun time. That's all I'll give them, nothing more. No feelings, no emotions. I don't do that. I wouldn't know how to anyway.

The gym is the best place to let out my frustrations over mom and every shitty memory that comes up from my childhood every time I go to her house. I might not be as built as Beast and Bane, but I work out a lot. We all do, but I tend to do it for the wrong reasons sometimes, and sometimes in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. Beast scolds me about it, because I've overstrained myself a few times and have started getting problems with my right shoulder, but I suck it up and keep going. He's told me to let Katie or Molly, Nuke's old lady, take a look at it since they're both nurses, but I'm not so fond of people touching me, or taking pills to soothe the pain. My mom takes enough pills and shit. I stay away from it even if it's just ibuprofen.

"As long as it doesn't affect work," Beast tells me. "I still need you as an Enforcer. You're good at what you do."

I've never taken praise well since I never got any when I grew up. I mostly feel awkward about it and shrug it off, but honestly, it feels good to be needed and appreciated by someone. If I wasn't, I don't know where the hell I would be.

"It's not that bad. I have one more arm and two legs. I can do my job," I tell him and look at him sternly. This is all I've got. I'm not gonna let a little pain in my shoulder that comes and goes stop me.

"If you say so. Just have it checked if it gets worse, because if it does, you'll be having a long ass vacation until you get it fixed," he says just as sternly back, and I know that he's not kidding.

"Got it, Prez."

The next day, we're having a BBQ at the clubhouse. Everyone's here⸺old timers, old ladies, kids. It's packed in the backyard. I would rather stay in my room or head out somewhere, but I need to participate a little. Family is important around here, and I'm glad that these kids get a better upbringing than I did, but that doesn't mean that I'm comfortable with it⸺family gatherings.

"You okay?" Cruz asks me and gives me a beer when he sits down beside me on a bench further down the lawn.

I just shrug and grab it.

"This family shit will never be anything for me either," he says, "but it's nice to see everyone happy and know that they're tied down while I'm free as a bird to get it on with whatever chick I want," he says, grinning, and I chuckle. "Ain't that right, Snake?" he says when he comes walking and sits down on the other side of him.

"Fucking right," he says and takes a sip of his beer.

The three of us all live in the clubhouse. None of us want to get tied down. Cruz might be in his early 50's, but he still gets laid. He calls himself a hot daddy, and apparently, that does it for some women. He's still got his looks and charm going.

"You heading to the bar later?" Snake asks me.

"Probably. I won't be staying here for long."

We turn our heads toward the others when Beast walks up to Tank to ask him to babysit his daughters tonight.

"Hey, old man, can you and Ellie babysit tonight? Katie and I need some adult time," he says, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows.

Tank's nostrils start flaring and he clenches his fists and jaw.

"It still hasn't gotten into that brain of yours that they're fucking, has it?" Amy says.

"I don't need to fucking hear about it," he says, agitated, and they all chuckle at him.

"We'll gladly babysit," Ellie says, smiling and wrapping her arms around Tank's bicep to calm him down. "Won't we, honey?"

Tank mumbles some curse words, but then, Katie comes out holding her daughters' tiny hands in hers, and his face softens. They just started walking, but they still need some support.

He lifts them both up in his arms and starts bouncing them around carefully to make them giggle, and like that, he's calm and happy again. Beast wraps his arms around Katie and kisses her, then whispers something in her ear, making her blush and smile.

I can see the appeal of having someone, but I'm better off alone. I'm not into that lovey-dovey shit anyway.

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