Author's note

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Hi guys,

I just had to give you 6 chapters of this one since it's now it's starting to get a little more exciting. The book is published on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, and I hope you'll buy it. 

Let me know what you think so far. I miss all your comments :)

The model on the cover is Ponyboi. Make sure to follow him on Instagram (Ponyboiofficial), Tiktok (Ponyboi1.0) and Youtube (Ponyboi Lifting). He was kind enough to let me use one of his photos. He looks just as I pictured Acid.

The next book will be about Bane, Tank's son, but as always, I have a lot of books started, so we'll see which one I finish first.

Take care, keep safe, and stay away from beepers. 

(You'll know what a beeper is when you've read the whole book ;)  )

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