chapter 19

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I looked out the window the entire time as we drove back to the waterfall. I kept thinking about what she said to me. If I have that kind of impact on a stranger, what am I doing here? We finally got back but even when Luke opened my door, I didn't budge. "I don't want to swim, Luke." It's not even what the girl said, I just didn't want them to see my scars.
"If it's because of what that bitch said, you need to ignore her," he told me.
I shook my head. "I'm just too insecure, okay?" I muttered. "Let it go." He nodded, seeming to understand. I tripped on my own feet as I got out. No surprise there. Luke slung his arm around my waist and I copied him. All the boys were in the water when we arrived.
"Where ya been?" Ashton called as we got closer.
"There were some troubles at the store we were at," Luke told them. I looked down, my anxiety increasing as I felt each person stare at me. Luke ran to change as I sat down and dipped my feet back in the water.
"You're not gonna swim?" Mikey asked.
"Na, not today." He shrugged then went back to duck Calum underneath the water. I looked into the crystal clear water to see my reflection. My eyes teared up at the sight, why was I like this? I hated everything about myself but why I wasn't exactly sure.
"You okay?" Ashton asked, swimming over to me.
"Depends on your defenition of okay," I replied monotone.
"That girl was just trying to get to you. She's just jealous." My head snapped up when he said that.
"He told you?" I was mad but I would've wanted to know too. He nodded and looked off into the distance. "What are you looking at?"
"Just thinking," he said. I shrugged my eyebrows to ask what about. He just said something not important. I didn't say anything but was still curious. I got up to go explore what else there was. "Where ya going?" Ash called.
The water splashed around me as I walked behind the waterfall. It was beautiful. I'd stay here forever if I could. Looking down I realized it could be one jump, and the end. It was nerve wrecking yet exciting. "Hey beautiful," a voice said and wrapped their arms around my waist. Luke.
"I'm not beautiful," I wispered so quietly even I could barely hear.
"How are you?" He asked and turned me around. I shrugged my shoulders in response. The voices were getting louder but I tried to not let them get to me.
"I'm tired."
"Sleep." I nodded, partially understanding. I looked at my phone to see it was 2:30 pm. I think we were going to leave soon but I wasn't sure. "Do you want me to carry you?" Luke chuckled. Instead of saying anything I wrapped my arms around his neck while he took my back to the car. "We're gonna go back, she's basically falling asleep. Can someone get my stuff?" he called to the boys who were drying off and stuff. The Aussi continued the rough path back, consudering there were rocks neccessary to jump over. Luke once again opened the back door and got in with me, but laid my head on his lap and my feet at the other end of the seat.
Pretty soon the guys were back. This time Mikey sat where my feet were and Ash drove, Calum in the passenger seat. Luke softly ran his fingers through my hair, calming me and letting me fall asleep for a bit.
After 10 minutes I woke up to the bumpy ride, in the driveway of Ashton's house. "Do you wanna stay or go back home? You're welcome to stay if you want," Ash asked me.
"I think I'll stay," I said with a yawn.
"You sure?" I nodded in response. His house was very elegant but large, even though only 4 people really live there. Many vases of flowers were spread out, on wooden desks and in front of brown or yellow walls. The boys scampered upstairs and I quickly followed, into his game room. I gasped at its contents. Videogames, air hockey and ping pong table, plus some guitars. "You wanna play some ping pong?" Ashton asked, turning his head to me.
"Hell yeah," I exclaimed. "It's on."
Ashton was a surprisingly good oponent. It was now tied 19-19, out of 20. Next point wins. A.N.idc if this isnt how you keep track of ping pong lol. Luke was on my side cheering me on and Calum was on Ashton's while Michael...was standing in the middle eating pizza.
Unfortunately, Ashton won the point. I dropped my paddle on the table and turned and walked away. I laughed though, not really mad. I was actually happy because I was having fun. I slumped on the couch in front of tv and started watching Supernatural. "Shit Sam no!" I screamed as a demon attacked him.
"Calm down," Luke laughed.
I stood up and pointed my finger in his face, shouting, "Do not tell me to calm down!" Luke grabbed my wrist and gently sat me down, mumbling something and laughing.
"It hurts doesn't it?" Calum said, walking over to me and putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Very much." All of a sudden a body jumped on me, pinning my stomach to the couch.
"Get off me you ass," I told the person. I reached my hands up, hoping to be able to tell who it was. I felt soft hair and a lip piercing, so it was Luke. I should've recognized his familiar cologne. He squished my arms underneath my chest making me squirm. He laid his whole body on my back and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Never," Luke whined. I smiled, enjoying his warmth. I heard Michael jump on top of Luke and felt a more weight. I groaned in pain since I couldn't really breathe now.
"Muke," I silently whispered when they both looked at me. Michael immediately jumped up and ran to hid behind Ashton. I laughed to myself and Luke's face began turning a bright red. He buried his face in my shoulder, allowing me to kiss the top of his head. Everyone else was now absorbed in another game of ping pong. "I like you," I muttered so only he could hear.
"Good because I like you too," he replied while doing his goofy grin. He flipped me over so my back was now on the couch. He started peppering soft kisses all over my face and it took everything in me not to squeal. Luke's head then returned to its previous position. I felt his lips press a warm kiss to my cheek, momentarily resting there before moving to another spot, repeating. He finally ended on my neck, falling asleep and breathing in and out. His soft snores were oddly relaxing and made me forget about all my problems. I turned my body so I could see him better. I watched him for a bit, Cal, Mikey, and Ash still focused on ping pong. I placed my hand on his neck, gently stroking his hair at the nape of his neck. I chuckled to myself when he lightly moaned. His muscular arms wrapped around my waist, automstically pulling me into him. We fit like a puzzle piece, neither of us being complete without the other. He lightly massaged my back as I cuddled into his embrace. I slowly fell into the much needed sleep.
When I woke up Michael was carrying me into what I assuemed was our house. "What happened?" I groggily mumbled.
"You fell asleep," he replied, "and we were all gonna go home. It's late." He trudged up the stairs towards our rooms and I laid my head on his shoulder, still being extremely exhausted. He carried me towards my bed, although I'm not sure why. My weight must've already been crushing him. He untied my shoes while I put my legs under the covers and grabbed a pillow.
"Thanks Michael," I yawned.
"Go to sleep." With that he kissed my forehead and left.


I woke up and checked the time. 8:00. Good for me. I also had a text from Luke that stated, "come over as soon as you wake up !! it's an emergency !!" I bolted up and plugged in his address to my gps, fast walking to get there. I replied with question marks and waited for a reply lr phone call or something. I managed to get to his house in just under 10 minutes. I was about to knock on the front door when I saw a body on one of the swings. "Hemmings, what did you do?"
He smed cheekly before saying, "Nothing I just missed you." I blushed and looked at the time.
"I literally saw you 10 hours ago."
"That's a long time," he said back. Luke opened the door as I followed him inside.
"Luke I still have to shower!" I groaned.
"Just shower here," he shrugged. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could he said, "And before you ask you can borrow my clothes and my mom's hair stuff. Besides, you'd look hot," he winked. My face felt bright red but at least it sounded comfortable. He chuckled, showing me the bathroom and getting his mom's washes while I got some clothes. I got the smallest pair of sweatpants I could find and one of his big sweatshirts. They all smelled like him and I couldn't help but take in a huge whiff. I quickly got everything I needed and turned on the shower. For the most part I took a fast shower. Except one thing caught my eye. His razor. I took in a deep breath, knowing I shouldn't. Don't, I thought.
Yes, do it, the other voice said.
NO! Before I realized it I was scratching at my already existing cuts. They began to bleed so I finished up and found the first aid kit, wrapping up my arms. I slipped on the borrowed clothes, warmth immediately overcoming my wet body. I combed through my hair and used the blowdryer that was available. 5 minutes later I walked out to see Luke on his old acoustic. The familiar tune made me smile, being on if my favorite songs.
"Hey," he smiled blushing a bit once he saw me.
"No, keep playing," I told him because he was about to put away his guitar.
"Do you want me to teach you?" I nodded vigorously, sitting down next to him. He played the first few chords of the same song, Therapy, then showed me. (i dont know how to play guitar so im skipping this part okay moving on) By the time we were done I knew up to the first verse. Luke placed his guitar back it's stand. I felt large hands pick me up and place me on their lap, facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he wrapped them around my waist. We stared into each others eyes for a bit, feeling content and relaxed for the fist time in a while. He bit his lip making me go mad and my stomach do flips. His fingers began tickling my sides. I screamed and got up to run who knows where. I didn't know my way around the house, I could've gone into his brother's room for heaven's sake.
"No!" I screeched when he finally caught up to me. My stomach hurt from laughing so much, causing me to fall over with Luke next to me as he continued to tickle me. "Please stop!" I screamed, fighting back tears.
"Only on one condition," he stopped for a moment. "You say Luke is the most hottest person in the world and the best boyfriend ever! And you give me a kiss."
I pretended to think for a minute but he starting tickling me again. "Okay fine! Luke is the most hottest person in the world and the best boyfriend ever!" I pecked the corner of his lips making him pout. I smirked before he crashed his lips onto mine with my head simply resting on the carpet. Our lips moved together, in sync, as I tangled my hands in his soft blonde locks. His hand caressed my cheek, also wrapping around my hair. Luke flipped up over so I was laying on him with his arm gently lying across my waist, massaging circles into my hips. I knew I was crushing him but I didn't care at this point. He gently pulled away making me noan softly. He laughed to himself, my face turning bright red.
The 6 foot giant kissed my lips one more time before saying, "Race you to the kitchen?"
"You're on, Hemmings."

this feels kinda short but idk. sorry i havent updated it in a while though.
HOLY SHITBALLS its awkward for some of these because people i know read this but whetevr ツ
hope you like it and comment and vote pleeeaase♡

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