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Seungkwan doesn't have favorites.

It's important to be very impartial when caregiving for six regressors— jealousy will run rampant among them and lead to many, many tears if you don't.

So, Seungkwan loves all his babies equally.

After all, he is living his dream: running a care home for regressors to find their perfect match to take care of them. An adoption agency, essentially. He wants all the kids to find their special someone and leave them happier than they were when they came.

He spends every day and every other night absorbed in his work, and the love he gives he receives back tenfold. Nothing is more rewarding than this. There's no competition for Seungkwan's love.

Except if you forced him to pick a favorite, Seungkwan would pick Wonwoo without hesitation.

He is just the most precious baby in the world, and no amount of angry glares, nappy changes, or mishaps will ever convince him otherwise. Seungkwan has spent too long watching him grow to think of him as anything but his perfect little boy.

He's almost nonverbal, but when he first arrived to the home sick and anxious, refusing to let go of Mingyu, he wouldn't make a sound, not even to cry.

Seungkwan is more than proud to say he knows Wonwoo's sobs well by now, even the petulant cries of defiance he makes when angry— when his terrible twos kick in and all he knows how to say is, "No!"

All those sounds, as displeasing as they may be, mean that he's comfortable with them. He's come a long way from the skittish kitten they once knew.

And Seungkwan loves him, loves his adorable giggle, his round glasses, the soft curl in his hair. He loves the way he holds onto Seungkwan's shirt, the way he asks for uppies with his arms outstretched, the way he communicates (if not through whines and gestures, then by copying words spoken to him, voice shy and soft).

Mingyu, though, is a different story.

They butt heads, sometimes, Seungkwan and Mingyu. Mingyu is six or seven most days, rarely older and never younger. He still acts like he's Wonwoo's sole protector, something the caregivers have been trying to help him with but with little success.

They have to sleep together. They have to get ready together. They have to eat together. If someone visiting the home is interested in them, they must go together.

His insistence is cute, appreciated even. Wonwoo is much younger than the others who generally fall into an older range of headspace, something Seungkwan thanks the heavens for at least twice a week.

But because of that, he needs more attention than them. Thanks to Mingyu, Seungkwan and Minghao don't have to worry so much over him— if they miss something, Mingyu will tell them.

But that's the problem, sometimes. Wonwoo likes playing with the others, too. He needs naps that Mingyu doesn't. They simply can't be together every moment of the day, even though he desperately wants them to be. Mingyu needs to learn to let go when he can.

Usually, it ends with Seungkwan and Mingyu yelling at each other until the caregiver gives in. The little is just protective, and he understands that. He hates seeing Mingyu upset and angry, which he always is when he's separated from Wonwoo too long or when the younger cries.

Minghao is not as easy on Mingyu, but it surprisingly doesn't make things worse— he's the only reason they've made as much progress as they have.

Something about Seungkwan just seems to tick Mingyu off.

Thankfully, Wonwoo is oblivious.

"Mingyu, love, don't bother them now. Hyung is just cleaning Wonu's face, he'll be just a min—"

"I want to go with! I have to help Nonu!" Mingyu cries, his face red.

The others at the breakfast table flinch at how loud he's being, especially Seokmin, their sensitive second youngest.

Mingyu towers over Seungkwan, defiant of the shorter, smaller caregiver that refuses to let him leave the kitchen.

Seungkwan swallows, reminding himself that right now, he is the responsible adult in the room, and that Mingyu is only stressed because Wonwoo is gone. The regressor's emotions shouldn't control how he reacts.

"Gyu-yah, remember what hyung taught us, hm?"

Mingyu whines and stomps his foot.

"Mingyu. It's okay. Myungho-hyung takes good care of Wonwoo. It's just another minute or two. Sit back down, okay?"

The boy gasps, chest heaving. His lip wobbles, eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I don't want to!"

"Kim Mingyu. Sit."

"Gyu," Seokmin whimpers. He clutches his spoon with a death grip, looking up at his friend desperately. "Please sit with us. Don't be angry."

He isn't happy, but Mingyu sits back down with the rest of the littles. Joshua reassures him by giving him a piece of his kimchi.

Literal seconds later, Minghao's waltzing back into the room with Wonwoo bouncing sleepily on his hip, the regressor's legs wrapped securely around  him and his head resting on his shoulder.

Mingyu brightens. Seungkwan sighs. Minghao sets Wonwoo down with a soft groan.

"This is why I work out," he sighs, stretching for a moment.

"Me, too," Seungkwan agrees. He's secretly thankful Mingyu doesn't ask to be picked up.

Wonwoo leans against Mingyu, probably just because he's there and he needs a pillow. Seungkwan just wants to wrap the toddler in his arms. He feels so warm just seeing his soft smile.

Once everyone is finished with breakfast, Seungkwan herds them into a playroom while Minghao cleans up after them. Today's visiting hours are going to start soon.

They don't expect anyone to show up because they aren't that busy, but the caregivers are always on alert, listening for the sound of someone looking for them at the front desk.

They really need more help around here.

The little ones take out the toys they want to play with. Vernon gets his puzzle cube and Seokmin grabs for the big plastic blocks in a big play bin. Mingyu and Joshua both head for the art supplies in the corner.

But Wonwoo hesitates at the door, holding onto Seungkwan's shirt timidly. He peers at the caregiver through his glasses, wanting something but unable to grasp the words to speak.

"Do want to color with Mingyu, baby?" Seungkwan coos, reaching up to cup Wonwoo's cheek in his palm. The regressor leans into his touch, and he smiles. "Does that sound fun? Want to draw a picture for hyungs?"

Wonwoo shakes his head with a pout.

"No? What about the blocks? Hyung will help you make an amazing tower."

Wonwoo blinks. "Blocks," he whispers.

And Seungkwan ignores Mingyu's stare boring holes into his back as he settles Wonwoo down with Seokmin, the babies concentrated on making a wall around them. He'd rather focus on them, on their delighted smiles and curious hands in front of him.

For a few minutes, everything is relatively peaceful. No one is crying or fighting. Seungkwan only has to placate a few whines with hugs and reassurances. If he's being honest, this is his favorite part of his job.

But then someone is frantically ringing the bell at the front desk, and everything spirals out of control from there.

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