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Joshua likes Jeonghan's condo.

The decor is expensive and clean while still being cozy and comfortable. He has colorful blankets and pillows and pictures of his family and friends hanging on the walls. Large green houseplants hug the corners and a bouquet of flowers always sits on the kitchen table.

It's fancy, too. The television is really nice and he and Seokmin can watch however many cartoons Jeonghan will let them. The tub in the master bath is long enough for both regressors to sit at each end and only have their feet touch.

It hasn't even been a week, and Jeonghan has already bought them their own rubber duckies and plastic boats to play with. They could only take shallow baths at the home— bubble baths were reserved for very special occasions— and Joshua hasn't played with toys so shiny and new in so long. Bath time has quickly become his favorite part of their daily routines.

Seokmin loves getting ready for bed, too. Even when he isn't tired, he loves sitting up in bed with Joshua and Jeonghan watching a movie or listening to the caregiver read to them. Cuddling with his new caregiver feels so special, especially when Jeonghan can't bring himself to leave and the three of them end up sharing the same bed.

Sometimes they miss the home. Waking up in a new place without Vernon sharing their room or Seungkwan or Minghao nudging them awake is... different. There's no Mingyu and Wonwoo, no Junhui, and their toys are different and whole place is quieter.

But Jeonghan is amazing. He works entirely from home while they settle, even taking the first few days off to spend time with them. He loves playing with them and doesn't yell at them even when they get rowdy, and he does anything they ask while still being firm about their limits and rules.

He's kind and gentle and fun and everything Joshua's ever wanted in caregiver.

"What about you?" he asks Seokmin one night after they've been tucked into bed. They're most of the way through the week, now, and it all seems too good to be true. "Do like Jeonghan-hyung?"

Seokmin looks at the ceiling for a moment before he nods, turning his head towards Joshua. "I really like hyung. D'you think he likes us?"

Joshua's noticed the way Jeonghan looks at them, like they're the most precious thing in the world. It reminds him a little of Seungkwan when he looks at the babies. And even though he hasn't done it for long, Jeonghan is good at taking care of them. He notices the little details so that they never have to worry about anything. He definitely likes them.

"Hm... yeah. I do."

"As much as Seungkwan-hyung and Myungo-hyung?"


Seokmin hums at that.

"Well," he says. "I think I like him as much as Seungkwan and Myungho-hyung."

Even after Seokmin has fallen asleep, Joshua thinks about that. He loves his caregivers at Magnolia a lot— After all, they've dedicated their lives essentially to keeping them off the streets. To taking care of them. And somehow, all that work, all that time, hasn't dulled their kindness towards every little that passes through the home. Joshua has seen the way Seungkwan looks at Wonwoo. He's pretty sure he's Seungkwan's favorite, even though the caregiver would never admit to such a thing.

Because of their affection, Joshua loves them very much.

But that kind of love is different than Jeonghan. Jeonghan has no obligation— or qualifications, even— to take care of them. And yet, he's taken the time to get to know them and their needs, just to make their lives better. He's taken time off work, bought them bath toys and bracelet beads, made them breakfast and gone to the park and read them bed time stories, because he wanted to.

He chose to love them.

Seokmin almost doesn't want to leave.

As much as he missed Magnolia, his usual caregivers, and friends, the ride back to the home in Jeonghan's car is quiet. Seokmin, clutching one of his favorite teddy bears, looks out the window in hopes that the sights of the city will distract him, but it does little to quell his insistent worry that Jeonghan doesn't want them anymore. He knows they only agreed to spend a week together— this was only a test run— but he doesn't think he's ever had a more compatible home, and he wishes it didn't have to end so soon. Despite how irrational it is, he worries.

He always has.

Seokmin reaches over shyly for Joshua's hand, taking his warm palm in his. The older smiles gently at him. Seokmin is always jealous of how calm Joshua is and how little anxiety he feels. Meanwhile, his baseless fears knot in his throat, eyes stinging with unshed tears. Joshua's thumb tracing soothing circles into the back of his hand takes his mind of it.

"Seokminnie?" Jeonghan prods from the front seat. Seokmin meets his eyes in the rear view mirror. "You okay, baby bear?"

Baby bear. Jeonghan's been calling him that whenever he has his favorite bear with him. The nickname usually has butterflies fluttering in his tummy, but now it only feels like sinking dread. If Jeonghan leaves them, then who will call him baby bear?

Seokmin feels himself tear up, and Jeonghan coos, "Oh, honey."

The car stops. When Seokmin looks out the window, he sees Magnolia waiting for him, the flowery sign on the building exterior.

"Hyung sure you don't want us 'nymore?" he asks in a last ditch effort.

But Jeonghan looks surprised. He turns around in his seat to face the boys in the back. "What? Of course I want you! I really enjoyed taking care of you this week, and I wish I didn't have to let go of you so soon."

"Me too!" Joshua adds.

"See? We all had a good time. But remember what Seungkwan-hyung said? You have to go back for a little bit."

By the time the three are settled back in the lobby, Joshua is swinging Jeonghan's arm from where they're holding hands and Seokmin is hugging on Jeonghan's middle, tucking his reddened face away to avoid embarrassment.

He stays like that for a while. All through Jeonghan's conversation with Minghao and Joshua asking if he wants to find the others together. Jeonghan's dainty fingers brush through his hair as he talks.

"I know, Seokmin-ah, but I'll be back before you know it, yeah? Just be good for hyungs until then. If you call me when you're big enough, then we can hang out then, too!" Though he pouts, Seokmin nods, content with the idea that Jeonghan will come back for them. "I love you, baby bear."

Shyly, he replies, "I love you, too."

Eventually, Jeonghan has to leave. He kisses Seokmin's forehead as a final goodbye, and the little feels all glowy as he steps into the back.

After retrieving his soother from his bag, he wanders to Wonwoo and Mingyu's room. Neither are regressed. Wonwoo plays a game on his phone laying down and Mingyu sits up to watch. Wonwoo is nice enough the let Seokmin join them on their tiny bed, so he lays on top of the older, throwing an arm and a leg over him.

Wonwoo laughs at his dramatics. Seokmin loves to hear him laugh, especially when big— Wonwoo is a happy person deep down, but it can be hard to bring out when regressed.

"Good week with Jeonghan-hyung?" Mingyu asks, ever curious.

When Seokmin only hums through his pacifier, Mingyu pets his hair, not unlike Jeonghan had done just earlier.

"Poor Seokmin-ah," Wonwoo chuckles, already understanding the regressor's anxiety. "I know Jeonghan-hyung will come back. He wouldn't just leave you like that."

Seokmin considers this. It checks out. Jeonghan, someone who did so much for him over just one week, who told him he loved him, wouldn't just abandon him.

"Think so?"

Wonwoo pauses his game long enough to strain his neck to kiss the top of Seokmin's head between Mingyu's fingers. "I promise," he says. "And if he does, I'll just have to go beat him up myself. Okay?"

Seokmin giggles. "Okay, hyung."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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