what was that!?

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Author pov

Kiara was really angry on Natalia. She could have killed her right at that moment but she infact has barriers around her which saved the life of Natalia today.

Kiara walked away from cafeteria her dress was all sticky and wet which almost was showing her undies. Lucy and Maya was behind her in case she doesn't have any extra clothes or something and they can also sense that she was really mad.

She was near the entrance of the cafeteria when she bumped with someone and she was about to curse at that person so bad but her shoe slipped coz of the shake and she was also wearing heels which was a cherry on the top. She closed her eyes and was ready to consume all the insult/ embarrassment she is gonna face.

But Before she could touch the ground that someone grabbed caught her by her waist and saved her from falling like all the other movies.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw a guy holding her tightly they both made a eye contact Kiara was amazed by the guy who saved her. She has never seen such man with such perfect features, she always thought that guys like him only appeared in dreams but now she was seeing one by herself.

She can hear the whole cafeteria was shouting seeing them, the guy suddenly pulled her upwards and there were only a distance of inches between them. She could feel the stares on them but all she knew at that moment that she was lost in him.

"Unnie, are you fine?"
They both caught off guard and got separated from each other when Lucy shouted.

Kiara face towards Lucy and nodded her head and again looked towards the tall handsome man infront of her.

"Kate, what are you doing with her?" Natalia voice said and she walked towards that Kate, Kiara rolled her eyes and left the Cafeteria with Lucy and Maya.

Kate pov

"Bro where were you??" Raven asked moving towards me I'm actually right here in front of the class with Raven and it's already the recess. I didn't attend morning classes due to basketball practice. I explained it to him.

"Well you know we had a new student today and on her very first day only she insulted Natalia infront of the whole class. Her reaction was so fun to watch" raven said describing me about the morning incident.

Well that's interesting. no one ever does that because of Natalia's family background but this girl got some guts.
We were talking but not until we saw Lucy talking to a girl . What is she doing here and who is she?.
"Kate is it Lucy there?" Raven asked
"Yeah I was thinking the same"
"Lucy what are you doing here this isn't your class" raven said and we walked towards her I side glanced the girl as we passed over her and she was looking bored and not interested.
"Ah raven and Kate oppa I was just here to pick up Unnie" she said
"And who's your Unnie?" Raven said while raising a brow.
"Aii there she is---huh where is she, I told her to wait" Lucy said cursing
"What???" Raven asked being confused.
I was just listening to there conversation and saw that she already left.
"Well she is new here and today in the morning she saved me from Natalia when she was about to slap me, now I have to go sorry oppas, meet you in cafeteria" she said and ran away.

"Wow she is kind also I thought she was just rude" raven mumbled.
"Shall we move now" I said with my cold face .
"Yeah yeah as u say" raven said and we left

We were late to enter the Cafeteria due to some work but as we enter we saw Natalia with a girl. The girl was on top of her while she was in the ground. Wahhh that's something. Beside me the person named raven gasped at the sight of it

"Hey bro did you saw that Natalia on the ground is what I want to see from so long. I'm starting to like this new gurl she is cool af." Raven said while seeing the view infront of us. So that's the new girl he thought, (author-he was like finally finally founded her after so much of wait.)
The new girl leaved Natalia and started walking out but before she could sit Natalia splashed her shake on her. Raven for the second time in a minute gasped at what he saw. Not only him everyone present there gasped. The girl turned and looked towards Natalia her eyes showed that how she wanted to kill Natalia at that moment which somehow remembered me of her........

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