chapter 5

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I'm sorry I like never update but I've been redecorating my don't judge

*they arrive at the warrens residences*
"Hey Marina hunny wake up darling" Lorraine asked shaking her leg "hmm? I'm awake" Marina replied quickly sitting up. "We're here" Ed replied

"Woah this house is so cool, my rooms tiny and I share the place with my roommate who I love but he snores and it's like an earthquake, wait did I say I love my roommate? I didn't mean it in a love way I meant in a friends way..I'll stop now" Marina rambled on

They both chucked at her before Lorraine grabbed her hand leading her towards the house.

"This is where you will be staying, I know it's nothing big but we don't normally have guest..oh and our rooms at the top just past the door with a sign Saying *judy* that's my daughter, she should be also re Alreday" Lorraine spoke as Ed made tea.

"Thank you and thank you again for letting me stay, it's such a lovely thing to do" Marina replied

"Right we'll let you get rest, I bet you have collage in the morning?" Ed asked passing her a tea

"Thank you for the tea and actually no it's my dad off cause the proffer caught a bug so" Marina explained

"Oh right? Tomorrow we have another school appointment, if you want to watch I'm sure there's a few seats left?" Ed asked

"That would be lovely, thank you guys so much" Marina spoke softly

"Goodnight Marina" Ed said before walking off, "goodnight mar my darling" Lorraine  said before following Ed

"Goodnight mr and mrs warren"
"It's ed for you" "it's Lorraine" they both yelled back "sorry" Marina cringed before climbing into bed and fell asleep instantly

I'm making another chapter rn dw

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