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"Elphie?"Glinda whimpered quietly.Glinda came out of hiding only to find the remains of her friend;A green bottle and a black hat.

"Oh Elphie"She cried hugging the hat to her chest as if it would disappear like Elphaba did.


Glinda woke up from her flashback.She was in a soft silky pink nightgown,it clung nicely to her thin slender frame.

She had tears running down her cheeks,she was used to it as these dreams would often still haunt her.She couldn't help but feel guilty;She left Elphaba and enjoyed having a life full of popularity while her best friend suffered. Morrible was right she wanted this all along,she wasn't all that good.

Feeling warm and lightheaded she walked out onto the balcony.

Her dainty manicured fingers gripped the the balcony,her gaze dropping to her feet.

"I failed you Elphaba,I'm sorry just please forgive me"She cried tears rolling down her cheeks.

She looked up into the distance.

"Oh lurine please help me through this, send me a sign"She wailed, just the through the corner of her eye she saw what looked to be a green girl walking with a scarecrow?She gasped feeling dizzy her vision went black.

But before she could hit the ground cold hard tin hands caught her small fragile body.He had been watching her,His one true love.

He carried her to the bed tucking her in under her mass of pink sheets.

He wished he weren't made of tin,it was all Elphaba's fault.

He gently brushed her golden locks out of her face admiring her beauty.Even though her face was red and tear stained she still looked amazing.

"Goodnight Miss Glinda" He whispered.

He went of to his chambers and laid on his bed thinking about her and their times back at shiz.He never did stop loving her and he never will.

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