The plan

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Elphaba woke up really early that morning.

She quietly slid out of Fiyeros arms and he shifted in his sleep as if to hold her tighter.

Elphaba tiptoed to the door trying not to wake her sleeping prince, she slowly opened the door and the sun light food down on her like gold from a treasure chest.She sighed as she took a seat on an old log basking in the sunlight.

"Oh Glinda I just want you to know I'm okay...that Yeros okay. I just wish you could know that..." Elphaba spoke softly to her self, a single tear slowly rolling down her green face.

"She will" Another voice spoke braking her out of her thoughts and startling her. She glanced towards the voices owner to see Fiyero.

"How long have you been there?" She asked slightly embarrassed that he'd seen her cry but happy that she wasn't alone.

"The whole time, do you really think I won't notice you leave?" He asked smiling.

"I guess I should have expected it- wait what do you mean she will know?" Elphaba asked confused.

"I'm going to take you too see her I found a way to get in, we'll have to go at night though while she's asleep and wake her-" Fiyero was cut off by Elphaba enveloping him in a hug.

"Yero I love you so much thank you!" She squealed.

"I love you too Fae" He replied kissing her gently.

Another bit of Fiyeraba for you guys!! Tell me what you think of the story so far



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