The Grimmerie

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Glinda's eyes fluttered open her curtains on the door open from when she had went out to the balcony last night.She couldn't remember much, just that she had that awful dream.The sun was beaming in shining down on her.

She gave out a yawn followed by a stretch.

She went straight to her closet and pulled out her signature blue dress,it was her favourite and it always bedazzled the people of Oz. But it also brought her grief as she wore it when her friend had died.

A single tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away,she needed to's what Elphaba would of wanted.She would want her to move on.

She went into her bathroom applying her make up ,doing her hair and finally slipping on her dress,unfortunately she couldn't reach the zip.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in,the doors unlocked" she called from within bathroom.

The Tin man opened the door "Miss Glinda?" He asked

"I'm in the bathroom"He opened the bathroom door "C-could you help me Boq?"She asked gesturing to her dress.

Boq smiled, he loved that dress it always made her curves stand out.He walked over to her and moved her hair out the way.His tin hands holding her gorgeous shoulders.He could glimpse a bit of her back her skin soft and pure looking.He pulled up her zip with a bit of struggle due to his hands being tin.

"Thank you"She said smiling her soft blonde curls gently falling on her shoulders.

"Your welcome Miss Glinda" He replied 

"Oh please just call me Glinda"She laughed not wanting to be to formal, after all they had known eachother for a while.

Ever since Elphaba's death Glinda had reunited with the boy who was once infatuated by her.She knew he still loved her,and she actually loved him back but she wasn't brave enough to tell him.When the time is right she will.

"Okay then,So what are you going to do Mi-Glinda?"He had nearly said miss but corrected himself.

"I don't know, how about we go on a walk?"She asked looking at him with her glimmering sapphire eyes.

"Yeah bye then-wait with me?"He asked a little shocked that she-Glinda wanted to walk with him.

"Yes of course silly,who else?"She laughed

"I don't know maybe-"

"You didn't need to respond it was rhetorical"She giggled cutting him off.

"Oh-well come on then" he went to walk alongside her but she grabbed his hand gently.This made his heart swell and unknown to him it also did the same to her.


They walked hand in hand through the emerald palace the suns beams reflecting off Glindas golden hair.She glanced towards Boq and smiled showing of her perfect pristine teeth.

"So I was thinking you could help me search for a spell to turn you into what you used to be"Glinda spoke, breaking the silence.

She wanted to help him

"Of course how about now if you'd like"He offered.

"Sure"She replied dragging him to her room


Glinda had fallen asleep after hours of going through the Grimmerie. They had spent all night trying to translate the lost language it was written in.

They were on her bed.Her head was leant against his tin chest.She had worked hard to find a spell to turn him back but they hadn't found one,Yet.

Her breathing was light and quiet.He took this time to admire her.Sadly his eyes grew heavy and he found himself sleeping to.Cuddled up with the girl of his dreams.

Will do Fiyeraba soon Don't worry xxxx


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