Chapter 4: A Long Lost Friend

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Sunny gasped. "Reneé, is this who I think it is?!" She asked, about to burst with excitement.

"Who do you think it is?" Reneé asked, wiping her cheeks that were stained with tears.

"Well, duh. A long lost friend? A significant other? Ooh, wait, wait! I got it! A Kindergarten-based Pearl sibling?! ...Wait, that doesn't sound right. But I think my first guess is correct!" Sunny guessed.

"You're right, Sunny. This is Lake, an old friend from the old neutralist group I was a part of. I thought they died in Bi-Color's war, so I turned to Homeworld. Quite strange, huh?" Reneé explained, walking up to Lake and hugging her.

"Whoa... Awesome!" Sunny exclaimed. "A long lost friend who secretly didn't die in an infamous war and only just came back today?! Oh, the backstories..." Sunny imagined, watching Reneé and Lake with amazement.


"And three, two, one... we're live!" A cameraman shouted, pointing the camera at Ghost and the reporter next to them. A familiar jingle belonging to the Crystal Commons played.

"Hello and good morning, Homeworld! I'm Aubergine Pearl, tuning in today for an interview with a special guest! Why don't you introduce yourself?" The reporter announced.

"Hello, I'm Ghost. I'm honored to appear on the Crystal Commons." Ghost introduced.

"Now what news do you have for us?"

Ghost struggled to stay composed long enough. Ace not being there made that easier. "As the repairs to the ballroom continue, Black Diamond Pearl and a few others, including myself, are planning a ball for a human holiday called 'Pride Month'. It's about celebrating all forms of love and expressing yourself inwards and out."

"Wow!" Aubergine exclaimed. "Do you have any idea when they're holding this ball so we can all mark it?"

"Well, after the repairs are finished, we need to check if we need any more decorations. Once we're finished fully decorating, we can give the public a time. The time the party falls on entirely depends on the repairs and speed of finishing touches. Sorry. But it will definitely be today!" Ghost reassured.

"Ah, well that's perfect! Thank you for your time, Ghost. And now for your regularly scheduled news!"


"So, Lake, did... did anybody else survive?" Reneé asked.

Lake sighed and answered with a smile. "Yes. Sofia, Soy, and Nova survived."

"Oh my stars, didn't expect Nova to survive." Reneé joked, laughing. "So, are you and Soy doing well~?"

Lake blushed and waved her hands around in an embarrassed motion. "No, of course not! I mean... we are, but not in that way!"

"Wait a minute." Sunny interrupted. "Are you saying you guys aren't a thing?! Aww, I felt a ship between you guys..."

"Nope, but Reneé has a thing for somebody~"

"Say anything and I swear-"

"Hello, we're back!" Ghost announced, pushing open the door. They immediately noticed Lake, the Blue Pearl from before. "YOU! Reneé, who is that?"

"Hi?" Ace grabbed Ghost's arm to hold them back. "Chill. Calm down." They sighed, rubbing his temples. "Sorry, I tried."

"This is Lake, an old friend and teammate." Reneé introduced Lake. Lake bowed her head.

"Oh, hi again, Ghost and Ace!" Sunny said.

"Oh, hi Lake! Sunny stole our introductions, but I'm Ghost." Ghost introduced themselves.

"And I'm Ace." Ace added.

"If you're one of Reneé's friends, you're either severely unstable or super smart! Let's hope for the latter, shall we?" Ghost teased.

"Ignore them." Ace grabbed Ghost's arm and pulled them away, back outside the door. "If you need us, which you don't seem to, you know how to contact us." They both left.

"Hahaha! 'Severely unstable'! Haha!" Sunny laughed. "...Wait. I'm not smart, but I'm Reneé's friend. OH SH-"


Ghost and Ace walked out of the ballroom, Ghost trying to strike up a conversation.


Ace grabbed Ghost's arm and pinned them against the wall. "Yeah, no."

"Oh, this went faster than I expected! Hehe." Ghost started twirling Ace's hair.

"Pfft-" Ace used their free hand to muffle his laughing. "You're adorable."

Ace grabbed Ghost's face and pulled them into a kiss.

'Dang, this really did go faster than expected.' Ghost thought. 'I'm perfectly fine with this, though.'

A/N: THE SHIP SAILED Y'ALL, WOOOO! Also sorry the chapter's shorter than usual. That just means something big's coming in the next chapter. Get ready, people >:)

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