<All i can think about is you>

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I Wanna Be Yours
- Arctic Monkeys

Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours

George POV
" George! Are you even listening?" Eddie asked while clicking his finger to grab my attention.

"Yeah of course" I lie "just day dreaming" I say.

Yeah day dreaming of Rue. Good I'm such a loser I see my high school crush once and now I'm head over heels again. I mean I bet she doesn't even think of me that way let alone swing that way. God George.


" WELL IM SORRY GEEZ" I snap back. My I cross my arms as I look away from Eddie.

" sorry" he says " I just wanna know what's more interesting then the police being after you for a crime you didn't do" he giggles.

I giggled uncrossing my arms " I'm sorry too I should have been paying attention to what you were saying but it's nothing really"

"Hey, you don't get to make a big deal out of this just to brush it off come on man spill the tea" he protests.

"Fine" i sigh, Eddie moves closer " so yesterday we me, Daphne (Robin) and Velma ( Nancy) took the mystery machine to the library and I saw Rue" I say.

"Rue?" Eddie questions

" oh you know just the person I have had a crush on since I don't know high school" I say.

" wait...REALLY!?" He gasped " AS IN THE RUE.HART"

"Yep" I say, my face turning red " not as cool as the police chasing after me" I giggle

" no but last time I check whenever Rue was brought up your hands start to shake and your face turned read like this " he says while pointing to my face " and it was even worse when you were around her so... first question, how has your face not permanently burnt to a crisp yet second did you tell them or do you think they noticed?"

" to answer your first question my skin tans and for your second I can't specifically answer, I mean I don't think she noticed I think I was pretty smooth about asking her out  if she wanted to hang out sometime bu-"

"OMG YOU ASKED HER IF THEY WANTED TO HANG OUT SOME TIME" Eddie gasped then giggled " what did they say?"

"They said sure and that they would like that" my face turns a brighter shade of red. Dude I didn't even know my face could get this red.

" FUCK YEAH!, that's great" he says while punching my shoulder.

"Ow" I say " yeah but the thing is I don't know if they feel the same way like what if they don't and what if they know I have feeling for them and they're just messing with me, shit and I don't wanna loss a friend" I start rambling uncontrollably.

"Hey, HEY, it ok we dont need to worry about that right now yeah; right now the only thing you should be worrying about is what your gonna wear for that date" Eddie grins

" it's not a date!" I protest

"Sure... you know what else you need to worry about" Eddie asks

"What?" I say

" how your gonna get me my food!" He roars " as much as I enjoy listening to you go on your little gay rants and believe me I enjoy them, I'm starving man" he says. I start laughing " I'm mean what's a psycho killer go to do to get some ginger snaps around here"

" omg stop, stop I can't breathe" I laugh trying to catch my breath.

"The psycho killer strikes again" Eddie giggles.

" thanks Eddie I need this" I say once I stop dying of laughter.

" no problem man, you just gotta update me on this on going love story" he says with a smirk on his face.

" oh your dead" I say as I launch myself towards him.

" no not a plot twist" he screams.


I just wanna be yours (Wanna be yours)
I just wanna be yours (Wanna be yours)
I just wanna be yours (Wanna be yours)


ANOTHER ONE DOWN THIS IS A RECOD FOR ME (also sorry for the shitty spelling) :b

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