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Two slow dancers

Does it smell like a school gymnasium in here?
It's funny how they're all the same
It's funny how you always remember
And we've both done it all a hundred times before
It's funny how I still forgot

||rue pov||

"Sadie you do NOT understand!"

"No I really do I've been crushing on June Murphys for At least 3 years now" Sadie deadpans staring me up and down, with an unimpressed look.

"One; that's really sad and two, George and June are two completely different people" I grumble.

"Right, lover girl" the blonde smirks making my dark skin become pink tinted.

"Why did I come to a Harrington of all people" i shake my head, my voice filled with a teasing tone.

"Honestly I don't know why you did either, I can't even deal with my own love life" the girl laughs, fidgeting with her rings.

"We can wallow in gay panic together"

"I'd rather kill myself" I chuckle, earning a very fake offended gasp come from the girl beside me.

"Nope! I'm no longer helping you!"

"Maybe you should fix your own love life first then" I tease.

"You came to me dumbass!" Sadie becomes very expressive quickly.

"Im kidding" I laugh earning a over the top sigh from the blonde girl.

"Right back onto YOUR love problems, not mine asswipe"

"Mmh right" I sigh, I lay down on Sadie's bed, I just want it to open up and swallow me whole.

"They came in today with Nancy and robin, and god those buried feeling came back like a ton of bricks, and they asked to hang out if everything blows over and-"

"Shut up for a second"

I stare at Sadie in disbelief momentarily, she's so close to getting outed to June, that is if she keeps pushing my buttons.

"So they asked you out" she concludes from my short lived rant.

"No! I doubt they see me like that!" I panic becoming flustered again.

Sadie stares at me with a 'are you fucking dumb?' Look for a solid minute.

I swear to god I'm going to kill her in her sleep one night.

"They hang out with Eddie THE FREAK munson! Who by the way uses the hanky code! Theirs literally no way George matthews is straight! I refuse to believe it!" God she's so opinionated, but most the time she can be because she's at least  50% right half the time.

"I hate to admit this but maybe you're right but I'm not fully sold yet" I mutter out in a whisper as if everyone were listening to the conversation.

Sadie shrugs nonchalantly as if her gaydar isn't 90% right all the time. Except for the the idea of Nancy being a comphet lesbian, but she INSISTS shes right.

"Cannot believe you're giving me advice when you can't look June in the eyes" I chuckle dryly.

"I swear to god if you bring up my love life one more time" Sadie whispers through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry Sadie but it's so easy to make fun of you"

"Fuck off! You're pining after George you have no room to talk" once again the blonde was right.

"We are both gay panicky losers" now I was the right one, and Sadie definitely knew it to be true. Anyone with eyes could see it.

"Right anyway, when are you guys meeting up?" She changes the subject back onto me again. She really is a mess of a lesbian.

"I'm not sure, we just said we'd catch up after everything hopefully blows over" I sigh.

"I don't think it's going to blow over" she mutters, starting to nervously fiddle with her jewellery.

As much as I don't want to admit it, she was right. The upside down was back again and we are going to be the victims of the attack.

Deep down we all knew it.

I look up at Sadie through my curly Afro, she stares blankly at the ground her lip quivering slightly as she holds back tears.

"Hey hey" I whisper gently pulling the blonde into a strong hug.

"We are going to make it through this hell Harrington, I promise you that" I feel my own tears start to form.

"What if we don't make it out this time?" That question hits me like a ton of bricks, this is the first time I've seen such a terrified Sadie.

She's the one who's always put together and strong, I've never seen her break down.

Was she finally at her breaking point? Has it gone on for so long that not even Sadie can deal with it anymore.

"It's going to alright, we can survive Hawkins once again"

"I hope you're right rue."


It would be a hundred times easier
If we were young again
But as it is
And it is
We're just two slow dancers, last ones out
We're two slow dancers, last ones out

WOOOO ANOTHER CHAPTER :D (this is the first author lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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