Chapter 1 - Tommy ?

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No one's POV

It has been 1 year after Dream escaped the prison, Tommy also has been missing since Dream escaped. No one can find Tommy or Dream, some didn't care, but some tried to search for them but no use, they were gone.

Since that incident Tubbo hasn't slept at all, he was constantly getting nightmares, the nightmares were always the same

Tubbo always finds himself in exail and saw a black Shadow pointing exe at Tommy's neck

Tommy was screaming and begging that Shadow to not kill him, but the shadow didn't even try to listen to him and kills Tommy

It was like a torcher to him, Tubbo tried to yell, to run to the black Shadow and stop it from killing Tommy...

But he couldn't move, he couldn't scream, all he could was watch his best friend get killed over and over again.

Tubbo usually immediately wakes up after the first time Tommy gets killed, but other times when he doesn't wake up...

He just watches the scenario over and over again, he usually cries when he watches it but...

This time...

It just became a routine for him, all he can think About is...

Tubbo, calm down, this isn't real and Tommy is safe... Is he ?

Tubbo really hoped that his best friend is safe and that he doesn't have to worry but...

Something in him said otherwise, other part of him always tells him that that is real and that his best friend isn't safe and in great danger, but Tubbo didn't listen to that other side, he wanted to stay positive.

Tubbo woke up after some time and saw Ranboo, his husband, looking at him worried

"Are you ok Tubbo ? Did you had that nightmare again ?" Ranboo asked

"Yeah I did... But don't worry Ranboo, I'm fine" Tubbo said as he didn't want Ranboo to worry about him

There was silence before Ranboo spoke again

"Are you sure Tubbo ?"

"Don't worry Ranboo, I'm sure !"

Ranboo still looked worried

"And besides" Tubbo said as Ranboo looked at him curiously

"That's just a nightmare, it isn't real"

Ranboo calmed down a bit

"If you say so Tubbo, but just so you know, if it is bothering you just tell me, ok ?" Ranboo said

"Ok Ranboo, I will and thanks" Tubbo said

"No problem Tubbo" Ranboo said as he kissed Tubbo's forhead before leaving the room

A few minutes after Tubbo gets out of bed and changes into his normal clothes, he walks out of the bedroom and walks into the kitchen where Ranboo was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning Tubbo" Ranboo said

"Good morning Ranboo" Tubbo said as he sat down at the table and soon after spoke again

"Where is Michael ?" Tubbo asked worriedly for his son

"Puffy is watching over him today" Ranboo answers

"Ok, hope he is ok" Tubbo said worriedly

" Don't worry Tubbo, we can trust Puffy, you know that" Ranboo said as he wanted to calm down Tubbo

"I know Ranboo, sorry boss man" Tubbo said

"It's fine Tubbo, I know you are just consent about him" Ranboo smiled as he said that, Tubbo smiled back

A few minutes later Tubbo was thinking about Tommy again, so he decided to go out for a walk

"I'm going for a walk Ranboo" Tubbo said

"Ok" Ranboo said

" Just be careful !"

"Don't worry Ranboo, I will" Tubbo said while grabbing his coat and leaving the house

A few minutes into a walk Tubbo heard some footsteps

"Ranboo I know it's you-" Tubbo couldn't finish his sentence because he saw something that terrified him

"T-tommy ?"


605 words

Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now