Chapter 9 - TOMMY ! NO !

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"Hello Tommy, long time, no death"  Dream said

Tommy's eyes widened a bit, he didn't expect to see Dream

Tommy's first thought when he saw Dream was death

Before Tommy could do anything, Dream pulled Tommy outside by the neck

"Who is it ?" Tubbo yelled

Dream didn't say a word and instead, closed the door

"Tommy ?" Tubbo yelled

"I'm gonna check it" Technoblade said as he stood up from his seat

"Ok" Tubbo said

Technoblade then looked in the window, when he did, he immediately ran to Tubbo

"What is it ? You look like you saw a ghost" Tubbo said

"DREAM ! HE IS HERE !" Technoblade yelled

"WHAT ?!" Ranboo and Tubbo yelled

Tubbo and Technoblade immediately grabbed their weapons and got outside

Ranboo staying inside and got a task to inform Philza and Wilbur

Technoblade and Tubbo look at where Tommy and Dream were, when they did, they faces went pail


With Philza and Wilbur

Wilbur just got up and walked to the kitchen

"Morning Phil" Wilbur said

"Morning Wil" Philza said

"What's for breakfast ?" Wilbur asked

"Eggs" Philza said

"Ok" Wilbur said

Philza then placed plates and put coocked eggs on the plates

"Here you go Wil" Philza said while handing out Wilbur a plate

"Thanks Phil" Wilbur said as he started eating

"No problem Mate" Philza said as he started eating too

After 5 minutes, they finished eating and Wilbur asked something

"Phil, did you see Dream ?"

"No, how did you sleep ?" Philza asked

"I slept good, did you sleep at all ?" Wilbur asked

"No, it's fine tho, it's better knowing that Dream  isn't around and won't hurt Tommy then Sleeping "Philza said

"Alright old man" Wilbur said

Philza and Wilbur continued to chat until something happened

"Oh, someone whispered to me" Philza said as he looked at the chat

"What ? Who ?" Wilbur asked

" I don't know, let's see" Philza said

When Philza saw the message, he froze

"What is it Phil ?" Wilbur asked

"It's Ranboo... Dream is there and he has Tommy..." Philza said

"WHAT ?! OH FUCK,  WE NEED TO GO RIGHT NOW !" Wilbur yelled

Philza nodded

Wilbur and Philza then grabbed their armour and weapons and rushed to Ranboo's and Tubbo's House


With others

Technoblade and Tubbo look at where Tommy and Dream were, when they did, they faces went pail

Dream had killed Tommy once more...

"TOMMY ! NO !" Tubbo yelled, Tubbo then started running to Tommy

Dream just smirked

"DREAM YOU BASTERED !" Tubbo yelled as he ran to Dream

Dream then smirked more and grabbed Tommy's, once again, dead body

Technoblade just froze

He had so many thoughts in mind

He also wanted to chase Dream but... He couldn't, that scenario had him stunned

Tubbo started chasing Dream, again

Dream already knew Tubbo would chase him so he just smirked

He also expected for Technoblade to chase him to but, he guessed that was too much for Technoblade and that he needed to process that

Such a shame, this would have been a great manhunt Dream thought to himself


Few minutes after, Technoblade was still frozen

Ranboo was inside and waited until someone comes, he didn't even want to look out of the window

Michael was still sleeping peacefully on his bed

Philza and Wilbur also arrived

They saw Technoblade and ran up to him

"Techno ! Where is Dream ?! Where is Tommy ?! Where is Tubbo ?! Where is Ranboo ?!" Philza yelled

Technoblade finally snapped to reality

"Rnaboo is inside..." Technoblade said

"Where are Dream, Tommy and Tubbo ?!" Philza asked

"Tubbo chased Dream... Tommy... Was killed... Once again..." Technoblade said


594 words

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