Chapter 10 - We need more people

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No one's POV

"Tubbo chased Dream... Tommy... Was killed... Once again..." Technoblade said

Wilbur and Philza's eyes widened and they couldn't speak

"Where did they go ?" Wilbur maniged to say

"Tubbo chased Dream into the forest, I should have chased his as well, but i couldn't..." Technoblade said

"It's not your fault, you were just shocked, I saw it in your eyes mate, you were just shocked" Philza said

"I should have chased him Phil ! I just stood there like an idiot !" Technoblade yelled

"Techno, it wasn't your fault " Philza said

"But i-" Technoblade started but was cut off

"Techno, it wasn't your fault" Philza said

"Fine..." Technoblade said

"We have to chase them what if-" Wilbur started yelling but was cut off

"They got away few minutes ago, if we start to look for them now, we won't find them, it's better to just go in the house and hope for the best" Technoblade said

Wilbur looked at the floor

"I agree with Techno, Wil, we can't do anything now, we are late, we can only hope Tubbo will suicide and bring Tommy back" Philza said

"Fine... Let's go in the house..." Wilbur, Philza and Technoblade got in the house

When Ranboo asked them what happened, they explained it to Ranboo and agreed to stay in the house and wait for Tubbo to return


It had passed a few hours since Tubbo started chasing Dream again

Tubbo chased and chased Dream but with no use, Dream got away, once more, but this time, he had Tommy

Tubbo sat on the ground holding his head, he felt guilty once more, once more Dream took Tommy away, once more Dream killed Tommy, once more Tommy and Tubbo were apart, once more Tommy was gone

Tubbo gave up on even trying to search for Dream, he knew he can't catch up with Dream, he knew that Tommy was lost again, and that this time, he won't come back

Tubbo then started walking to his and Ranboo's house to see how everyone else is doing, he knew that Philza and Wilbur had already arrived at home and that they just waited until Tubbo comes back, possibly with Tommy


Tubbo got to the house an hour later

Tubbo opened the door and got in the house

When they heard that the door was opened, they rushed to see who it was

"Tubbo, where is Dream ? Where is Tommy ?" Ranboo asked

"... Dream got away..." Tubbo said

They stood there for a minute in complete silence, then Tubbo spoke

"Listen, we need more people, yes, we are strong but Dream is Dream, he had been traveling all around the SMP, he can run faster then any of us, and he isn't stupid, we need a better plan and more people to get Tommy back" Tubbo said

"But how are we gonna do that ? No one on this SMP really likes Tommy, they all think he is just a trouble maker" Ranboo said

"Well, that's where you are wrong, yes, Tommy is annoying and childish but he is still my brother, I care for him, even tho he was working with the government and betrayed me, I still care for him, I can't even imagine what I would do without that annoying child" Technoblade said

"The same goes for me, He is annoying but he is still my brother" Wilbur said

Tubbo's eyes sparkled a bit as he heard that, he was sure Tommy would love to hear that too

"Me too, he is my son, maybe he is the most annoying son I ever had, but I still love him" Philza said

"Great ! What about you Ranboo ?" Tubbo asked

"Tommy is my friend and I care for him, even tho he acts as if he doesn't care for me, I know deep down that he likes to hang out with me, I'm sure he just doesn't like to admit it" Ranboo laughed a bit

They all did, Tommy was annoying but he is still their brother

"So, what about you Tubbo ?" Technoblade asked with a smirk

Tubbo smirked back

"Tommy is my best friend, he was my first friend and I really care for him, I would do anything for him, even if it means to fight Dream, I will always be by his side" Tubbo said

"That's what we want, come on everyone, we have to make a plan where everyone would join us and help Tommy, any ideas ?" Technoblade said

"I got one !" Tubbo yelled

"Let's hear it" Technoblade said

"Well..." Tubbo begin


761 words



Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I can't wait until I write the new one ! 🤩🤩🤩

Istl, I'm fucking exiting for the next one

Well, see you in the next chapter 🫡

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