Chapter 2 - How it happened

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Warnings !


No one's POV

1 year before

It was a nice day, Tommy was just wandering around the server when he saw Sam

Tommy didn't want to talk to Sam but Sam spotted him before Tommy could leave

"Tommy !" Sam yelled

Tommy wanted to leave but for some reason he didn't and came up to Sam

"What do you want" Tommy said annoyed

"Dream escaped the prison" Sam told him

Tommy froze in place, he was terrified as he heard that because last time he spoke to Dream, Dream killed him

After talking a little bit with Sam he rushed to his house looking through chest trying to find his axe, axe of peace, that Technoblade gave him

He was searching and searching and finally remembered that he left it in exail in case someone steals it from his house, he knew nobody whoud go there so that's why he left it there

But... When he arrived at the exele he couldn't find his axe, he wanted to leave but it was too late, he heard that the portal had been destroyed, he turned around and froze when he saw who destroyed the portal, it was Dream

Tommy immediately screamed when he saw Dream, but no one could hear him except for Dream, Tommy took out his shield, but Dream only laughed at that because it was so fun to him watching Tommy being scared then Dream said

"Hey Tommy ! Are you looking for something ? You came here to get your stuff ?" he said that while getting closer and closer to Tommy as Tommy was backing up little by little while pulling his shield out

"I got here to get my axe back"

"Welcome to the Exail Welcome back, Welcome !" Dream yelled

"Welcome home !"

"Give me the axe, that's not yours ! You can't hold the axe of peace"

"Well, it's not your either"

"Yeah, but I earned it"

"Oh how did you earn it ?" Dream said sarcastically, Tommy took a deep breath before he spoke again

"I earned it by fighting, by doing a right thing Dream, Something you'd-" before Tommy could finish Dream got closer to him so Tommy said

"S-stand back" At this point Tommy was terrified, he could barely speak without taking a deep breath so he could calm down

"I'm not gonna hurt you" Dream said, but Tommy knew that was a lie, he had a feeling something terrible will happen

"Yet" Dream said while smiling

Tommy wanted to run from this point but he couldn't, he knew Dream would follow him

"Why ?" Tommy said

"You are meant to be in prison, it's a top secret, y-you you're not-" before Tommy could finish his sentence Dream spoke again

"Yea, but I'm out, I'm out, that means that I'm out, I earned it" as Dream was talking he was slowly walking towards Tommy

"N-no, please stand back, you didn't earn it, you didn't earn anything, you stole, manipulated, you, you, you, you killed Dream" at this point Tommy was shaking

"One of the last times you were here you killed me just to prove a point ! Y-you haven't earned anything ! Stand back I got my shield up !"

"And I will kill you again !" Dream said while smiling

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